import dayjs from "dayjs"; import * as _BOX from "@/api/ecw/box"; import FileSaver from "file-saver"; import Decimal from "decimal.js"; import i18n from "@/i18n"; /** * 空运流程 * * @return {*} */ function airBaseData() { return [ [ { title: i18n.$t("订舱"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dc-start.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dc-end.png"), }, type: "booking", // 类型 dataKey: "1", // 字典数据键值 /** * 订舱状态:11、未订舱;12、已订舱 */ voName: "bookAirInfo", // 订舱对象vo keyName: "bkStatus", status: { start: [11], wait: [], end: [12], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("分拣"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/yz-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/yz-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/yz-end.png"), }, type: "preinstall", dataKey: "2", // 字典数据键值 /** * 预装状态:21、未预装;22、预装中;23、预装审核中;24、预装审核失败;25、预装审核成功 */ voName: "preInstallInfo", keyName: "prStatus", status: { start: [21], wait: [22, 23, 24], end: [25], }, } ], [ { title: i18n.$t("理货"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/lh-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/lh-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/lh-end.png"), }, type: "tally", dataKey: "3", // 字典数据键值 /** * 理货状态:2111、未理货;2112、已理货 */ voName: "tallyInfo", keyName: "tyStatus", status: { start: [2111], wait: [], end: [2112], }, }, { title: i18n.$t("合包"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-end.png"), }, type: "mergePkg", dataKey: "4", // 字典数据键值 /** * 合包状态:161待合包 162已合包 */ voName: "boxMergePkgBackVO", keyName: "mergePkgStatus", status: { start: [161], wait: [], end: [162], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("出货"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-end.png"), }, type: "shipment", dataKey: "5", // 字典数据键值 /** * 出货状态:171、待出货 172、出货审核中 173、审核失败 174、审核成功 = 175、已出货 */ voName: "boxAirShipmentBackVO", keyName: "airShipmentStatus", status: { start: [171], wait: [172,173], end: [175], }, }, { title: i18n.$t("出仓"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-end.png"), }, type: "checkout", dataKey: "6", // 字典数据键值 /** * 出仓状态:221、未出仓 222、已出仓 */ voName: "boxAirCheckoutBackVO", keyName: "checkoutStatus", status: { start: [221], wait: [], end: [222], }, }, ], [ { title: "AGENT", imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/agent-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/agent-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/agent-end.png"), }, type: "agent", voName: "agentInfo", currStatus: "start", dataKey: "7" }, { title: i18n.$t("报关"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/bg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/bg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/bg-end.png"), }, type: "cusDeclaration", dataKey: "8", // 字典数据键值 /** *报关状态:51、未报关;52、报关中;53、已报关 */ voName: "customsInfo", keyName: "dcStatus", status: { start: [51], wait: [52], end: [53], }, }, { title: i18n.$t("提单补料"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/tdcl-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/tdcl-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/tdcl-end.png"), }, type: "subMaterial", dataKey: "9", // 字典数据键值 /** * 提单补料状态:71、未提单补料;72、已提单补料 */ voName: "ladingBillInfo", keyName: "blStatus", status: { start: [71], wait: [], end: [72], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("起飞"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/ecqf-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/ecqf-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/ecqf-end.png"), }, type: "twoWayTakeoff", dataKey: "10", // 字典数据键值 /** * 起飞状态:231、未起飞;232、已起飞 */ voName: "boxAirFlyInfo", keyName: "flyStatus", status: { start: [231], wait: [], end: [232], }, }, ], [ { type: "clrDocument", imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-end.png"), }, title: i18n.$t("清关文件"), dataKey: "11", // 字典数据键值 /** * 清关文件状态:111、未清关文件;112、已清关文件 */ voName: "clearanceDocInfo", keyName: "cdStatus", status: { start: [111], wait: [], end: [112], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("到港"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dg-end.png"), }, type: "arrival", dataKey: "12", // 字典数据键值 /** * 到港状态:151、未到港;152、已到港 */ voName: "airArrivalInfo", keyName: "sapStatus", status: { start: [151], wait: [], end: [152], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("清关"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-end.png"), }, type: "cusClearance", dataKey: "13", // 字典数据键值 /** * 清关状态:131、未清关;132、已清关 */ voName: "clearanceInfo", keyName: "clStatus", status: { start: [131], wait: [], end: [132], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("到仓"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/xg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/xg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/xg-end.png"), }, type: "unloading", dataKey: "14", // 字典数据键值 /** * 卸柜状态:181、未卸柜;182、卸柜中;183、卸柜审核中;184、卸柜审核失败;185、卸柜审核成功;186、已卸柜 */ voName: "cabinetUnloadInfo", keyName: "toWarehouseStatus", status: { start: [181], wait: [182, 183, 184], end: [185, 186], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("结算"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/js-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/js-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/js-end.png"), }, type: "settlement", dataKey: "15", // 字典数据键值 /** * 结算状态:191、未结算;192、结算中;193、已结算 */ voName: "settlementInfo", keyName: "slStatus", status: { start: [191], wait: [192], end: [193], }, }, ], ]; } /** * 客户+单票流程 * * @return {*} */ function airOneData() { return [ [ { title: i18n.$t("订舱"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dc-start.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dc-end.png"), }, type: "booking", // 类型 dataKey: "1", // 字典数据键值 /** * 订舱状态:11、未订舱;12、已订舱 */ voName: "bookAirInfo", // 订舱对象vo keyName: "bkStatus", status: { start: [11], wait: [], end: [12], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("分拣"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/yz-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/yz-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/yz-end.png"), }, type: "preinstall", dataKey: "2", // 字典数据键值 /** * 预装状态:21、未预装;22、预装中;23、预装审核中;24、预装审核失败;25、预装审核成功 */ voName: "preInstallInfo", keyName: "prStatus", status: { start: [21], wait: [22, 23, 24], end: [25], }, } ], [ { title: i18n.$t("理货"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/lh-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/lh-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/lh-end.png"), }, type: "tally", dataKey: "16", // 字典数据键值 /** * 理货状态:2111、未理货;2112、已理货 */ voName: "tallyInfo", keyName: "tyStatus", status: { start: [2111], wait: [], end: [2112], }, }, { title: i18n.$t("合包"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-end.png"), }, type: "mergePkg", dataKey: "3", // 字典数据键值 /** * 合包状态:161待合包 162已合包 */ voName: "boxMergePkgBackVO", keyName: "mergePkgStatus", status: { start: [161], wait: [], end: [162], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("出货"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-end.png"), }, type: "shipment", dataKey: "4", // 字典数据键值 /** * 出货状态:171、待出货 172、出货审核中 173、审核失败 174、审核成功 = 175、已出货 */ voName: "boxAirShipmentBackVO", keyName: "airShipmentStatus", status: { start: [171], wait: [172,173], end: [175], }, }, { title: i18n.$t("出仓"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-end.png"), }, type: "checkout", dataKey: "5", // 字典数据键值 /** * 出仓状态:221、未出仓 222、已出仓 */ voName: "boxAirCheckoutBackVO", keyName: "checkoutStatus", status: { start: [221], wait: [], end: [222], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("报关"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/bg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/bg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/bg-end.png"), }, type: "cusDeclaration", dataKey: "5", // 字典数据键值 /** *报关状态:51、未报关;52、报关中;53、已报关 */ voName: "customsInfo", keyName: "dcStatus", status: { start: [51], wait: [52], end: [53], }, }, { title: i18n.$t("提单补料"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/tdcl-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/tdcl-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/tdcl-end.png"), }, type: "subMaterial", dataKey: "7", // 字典数据键值 /** * 提单补料状态:71、未提单补料;72、已提单补料 */ voName: "ladingBillInfo", keyName: "blStatus", status: { start: [71], wait: [], end: [72], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("起飞"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/ecqf-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/ecqf-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/ecqf-end.png"), }, type: "twoWayTakeoff", dataKey: "9", // 字典数据键值 /** * 起飞状态:231、未起飞;232、已起飞 */ voName: "boxAirFlyInfo", keyName: "flyStatus", status: { start: [231], wait: [], end: [232], }, }, ], [ { type: "clrDocument", imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-end.png"), }, title: i18n.$t("清关文件"), dataKey: "11", // 字典数据键值 /** * 清关文件状态:111、未清关文件;112、已清关文件 */ voName: "clearanceDocInfo", keyName: "cdStatus", status: { start: [111], wait: [], end: [112], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("结算"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/js-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/js-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/js-end.png"), }, type: "settlement", dataKey: "15", // 字典数据键值 /** * 结算状态:191、未结算;192、结算中;193、已结算 */ voName: "settlementInfo", keyName: "slStatus", status: { start: [191], wait: [192], end: [193], }, }, ], ]; } /** * 目的港清关=我司&合作方清关流程 * * @return {*} */ function airNextData() { return [ [ { title: i18n.$t("订舱"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dc-start.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dc-end.png"), }, type: "booking", // 类型 dataKey: "1", // 字典数据键值 /** * 订舱状态:11、未订舱;12、已订舱 */ voName: "bookAirInfo", // 订舱对象vo keyName: "bkStatus", status: { start: [11], wait: [], end: [12], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("分拣"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/yz-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/yz-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/yz-end.png"), }, type: "preinstall", dataKey: "2", // 字典数据键值 /** * 预装状态:21、未预装;22、预装中;23、预装审核中;24、预装审核失败;25、预装审核成功 */ voName: "preInstallInfo", keyName: "prStatus", status: { start: [21], wait: [22, 23, 24], end: [25], }, } ], [ { title: i18n.$t("理货"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/lh-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/lh-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/lh-end.png"), }, type: "tally", dataKey: "3", // 字典数据键值 /** * 理货状态:2111、未理货;2112、已理货 */ voName: "tallyInfo", keyName: "tyStatus", status: { start: [2111], wait: [], end: [2112], }, }, { title: i18n.$t("合包"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-end.png"), }, type: "mergePkg", dataKey: "4", // 字典数据键值 /** * 合包状态:161待合包 162已合包 */ voName: "boxMergePkgBackVO", keyName: "mergePkgStatus", status: { start: [161], wait: [], end: [162], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("出货"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-end.png"), }, type: "shipment", dataKey: "5", // 字典数据键值 /** * 出货状态:171、待出货 172、出货审核中 173、审核失败 174、审核成功 = 175、已出货 */ voName: "boxAirShipmentBackVO", keyName: "airShipmentStatus", status: { start: [171], wait: [172,173], end: [175], }, }, { title: i18n.$t("出仓"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/zg-end.png"), }, type: "checkout", dataKey: "6", // 字典数据键值 /** * 出仓状态:221、未出仓 222、已出仓 */ voName: "boxAirCheckoutBackVO", keyName: "checkoutStatus", status: { start: [221], wait: [], end: [222], }, }, ], [ { title: "AGENT", imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/agent-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/agent-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/agent-end.png"), }, type: "agent", voName: "agentInfo", currStatus: "start", dataKey: "7" }, { title: i18n.$t("报关"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/bg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/bg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/bg-end.png"), }, type: "cusDeclaration", dataKey: "8", // 字典数据键值 /** *报关状态:51、未报关;52、报关中;53、已报关 */ voName: "customsInfo", keyName: "dcStatus", status: { start: [51], wait: [52], end: [53], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("起飞"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/ecqf-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/ecqf-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/ecqf-end.png"), }, type: "twoWayTakeoff", dataKey: "10", // 字典数据键值 /** * 起飞状态:231、未起飞;232、已起飞 */ voName: "boxAirFlyInfo", keyName: "flyStatus", status: { start: [231], wait: [], end: [232], }, }, ], [ { type: "clrDocument", imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-end.png"), }, title: i18n.$t("清关文件"), dataKey: "11", // 字典数据键值 /** * 清关文件状态:111、未清关文件;112、已清关文件 */ voName: "clearanceDocInfo", keyName: "cdStatus", status: { start: [111], wait: [], end: [112], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("到港"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/dg-end.png"), }, type: "arrival", dataKey: "12", // 字典数据键值 /** * 到港状态:151、未到港;152、已到港 */ voName: "airArrivalInfo", keyName: "sapStatus", status: { start: [151], wait: [], end: [152], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("清关"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/qg-end.png"), }, type: "cusClearance", dataKey: "13", // 字典数据键值 /** * 清关状态:131、未清关;132、已清关 */ voName: "clearanceInfo", keyName: "clStatus", status: { start: [131], wait: [], end: [132], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("到仓"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/xg-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/xg-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/xg-end.png"), }, type: "unloading", dataKey: "14", // 字典数据键值 /** * 卸柜状态:181、未卸柜;182、卸柜中;183、卸柜审核中;184、卸柜审核失败;185、卸柜审核成功;186、已卸柜 */ voName: "cabinetUnloadInfo", keyName: "toWarehouseStatus", status: { start: [181], wait: [182, 183, 184], end: [185, 186], }, }, ], [ { title: i18n.$t("结算"), imgSrc: { start: require("@/assets/images/shipping/js-start.png"), wait: require("@/assets/images/shipping/js-wait.png"), end: require("@/assets/images/shipping/js-end.png"), }, type: "settlement", dataKey: "15", // 字典数据键值 /** * 结算状态:191、未结算;192、结算中;193、已结算 */ voName: "settlementInfo", keyName: "slStatus", status: { start: [191], wait: [192], end: [193], }, }, ], ]; } /** * 详情显示列 * * @return {*} */ function getColmnMapping() { return { bookAirInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("提单号"), key: "blNo", }, { title: i18n.$t("起运港"), key: "departurePortId", type: "dock", }, { title: i18n.$t("目的港"), key: "destPortId", type: "dock", }, { title: i18n.$t("航空公司"), key: "airlineCompanyId", type: "supplier", }, { title: i18n.$t("订舱代理"), key: "shipperId", type: "supplier", }, { title: i18n.$t("预计起飞时间"), key: "flyTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], preInstallInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("分拣时间"), key: "createTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], tallyInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("完成理货时间"), key: "tyTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], boxAirShipmentBackVO: [ { title: i18n.$t("送货时间"), key: "deliverTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("送货地址"), key: "deliverAddress", }, { title: i18n.$t("车牌"), key: "licensePlate", }, { title: i18n.$t("司机"), key: "driver", }, { title: i18n.$t("司机联系方式"), key: "driverPhone" }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], boxAirCheckoutBackVO: [ { title: i18n.$t("出仓时间"), key: "checkoutTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], agentInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("代理商"), key: "agentId", type: "supplier", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], customsInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("报关方式"), key: "dcCustomsType", type: "shipping_customs_type", }, { title: i18n.$t("报关行公司"), key: "dcCompanyId", type: "supplier", }, { title: i18n.$t("截关时间"), key: "dcCutOffTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("状态"), key: "dcCustomsStatus", type: "shipping_dcCustoms_status", }, { title: i18n.$t("查验时间"), key: "dcCheckTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("放行时间"), key: "dcPassTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], ladingBillInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("清关代理"), key: "agentId", type: "supplier", }, { title: i18n.$t("提单号"), key: "blMblNo", }, { title: i18n.$t("通知方"), key: "notifyingName", }, { title: i18n.$t("提单备注"), key: "remarks", }, { title: i18n.$t("数量(个)"), key: "packageNum", }, { title: i18n.$t("体积"), key: "cbm", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], boxAirFlyInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("预计到港时间"), key: "estTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("实际起飞时间"), key: "dtRealFlyTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("预计二程起飞时间"), key: "dtRealHeadTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], clearanceDocInfo: [ { title: "agent list", key: "cdAgentlistType", type: "isFile", }, { title: i18n.$t("出单方式"), key: "cdOutBillType", type: "billingMethod", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], arrivalInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("实际到港时间"), key: "apRealTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("确认到港"), key: "apConfirmTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("卸港时间"), key: "apUnloadPortTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], clearanceInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("预计清关时间"), key: "clEstTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("清关时间"), key: "clClearTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], airArrivalInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("预计到达时间"), key: "estTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("实际到达时间"), key: "actTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("实际二程时间"), key: "actSecondTime", type: "datetime", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], cabinetUnloadInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("到仓时间"), key: "ulWarehouseTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("到仓通过时间"), key: "ulBoxTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], settlementInfo: [ { title: i18n.$t("可结算"), key: "slSettlementTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("已结算"), key: "slSettledTime", type: "date", }, { title: i18n.$t("业务员"), key: "operator", }, ], }; } /** * 常量字典 */ const constantDict = { //航程 voyageData: [ { value: 1, label: i18n.$t("直飞"), }, { value: 2, label: i18n.$t("中转"), }, ], // 配船状态 saExmtStatus: [ { value: "1", label: i18n.$t("免配"), }, { value: "2", label: i18n.$t("已配"), }, ], // 驳船 bgExmtStatus: [ { value: "1", label: i18n.$t("无驳船"), }, { value: "2", label: i18n.$t("有驳船"), }, ], // 出单方式 billingMethod: [ { value: "1", label: i18n.$t("正本"), }, { value: "2", label: i18n.$t("电放"), }, ], // 是否有文件 isFile: [ { value: "1", label: i18n.$t("无需"), }, { value: "2", label: i18n.$t("已做"), }, ], deliverType: [ { value: "1", label: i18n.$t("送货上门"), }, { value: "2", label: i18n.$t("供应商自提"), }, ], }; /** * string format number * * @param {*} obj * @param {*} keys * @return {*} */ function formatStringNumber(obj, keys) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { if (keys.includes(key) && !Number.isNaN(Number(value))) { obj[key] = Number(value); } } return obj; } /** * number format string * * @param {*} obj * @param {*} keys * @return {*} */ function formatNumberString(obj, keys) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { if (keys.includes(key) && value) { obj[key] = String(value); } } return obj; } /** * stringDate format Date * * @param {*} obj * @param {*} keys * @param {string} [format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"] * @return {*} */ function formatDateStr(obj, keys, format = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { if (keys.includes(key) && dayjs(value).isValid()) { obj[key] = dayjs(value).format(format); } } return obj; } /** * 格式化日期 * * @param {*} date * @param {string} [format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"] * @return {*} */ function formatDate(date, format = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss") { if (!date) return date; return dayjs(date).format(format); } /** * 获取海运流程状态 * * @param {*} val * @return {*} */ function getSeaStatus(val) { let currNodeStatus = 11, isBreak = false, datas = seaBaseData(); // 迭代每个节点 for (let i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { const nodes = datas[i]; for (let j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) { const node = nodes[j]; const { keyName, voName, status } = node; if (!keyName) continue; const { start, wait, end } = status; if (start.includes(val[keyName]) && val[voName]) { currNodeStatus = val[keyName]; } if (wait.includes(val[keyName])) { currNodeStatus = val[keyName]; isBreak = true; break; } if (end.includes(val[keyName])) { currNodeStatus = val[keyName]; } } if (isBreak) break; } return currNodeStatus; } /** * 组装统计信息文字 * * @param {*} total * @param {string} [keys=["num", "volume", "weight"]] * @return {*} */ function getTotlContent(total, keys = ["num", "volume", "weight"]) { let content = []; for (const key of keys) { if (key === "num") { content.push(`${total?.num ?? 0}${i18n.$t("箱")}`); } if (key === "volume") { let volume = total?.volume ?? 0; volume = volume === 0 ? volume : new Decimal(volume).toFixed(2); content.push(`${volume}m³`); } if (key === "weight") { let weight = total?.weight ?? 0; weight = weight === 0 ? weight : new Decimal(weight).toFixed(2); content.push(`${weight}kg`); } } return content.join(" "); } function getCapacity(capacity) { return `${capacity?.name ?? ""}${i18n.$t("柜型")} ${capacity?.volume ?? 0}m³ ${ capacity?.weight ?? 0 }kg`; } function sumStatistics(val) { let count = { num: 0, volume: 0, weight: 0 }; if (Array.isArray(val)) { val.forEach((item) => { const { secStatistics } = item; if (secStatistics) { if (!Number.isNaN(Number(secStatistics.num))) { count.num = Decimal.add( count.num, Number(secStatistics.num) ).toNumber(); } if (!Number.isNaN(Number(secStatistics.volume))) { count.volume = Decimal.add( count.volume, Number(secStatistics.volume) ); } if (!Number.isNaN(Number(secStatistics.weight))) { count.weight = Decimal.add( count.weight, Number(secStatistics.weight) ); } } }); } return getTotlContent(count); } function allTotalStatistics(val, type = ["num", "volume", "weight"]) { // let count = { type[0]: 0, type[1]: 0, type[2]: 0 }; let count = {} count[type[0]] = 0; count[type[1]] = 0; count[type[2]] = 0; if (Array.isArray(val)) { val.forEach((item) => { const { secStatistics } = item; if (secStatistics) { if (!Number.isNaN(Number(secStatistics[type[0]]))) { count[type[0]] = Decimal.add( count[type[0]], Number(secStatistics[type[0]]) ).toNumber(); } if (!Number.isNaN(Number(secStatistics[type[1]]))) { console.log(secStatistics[type[1]],count[type[1]],'1111'); count[type[1]] = Decimal.add( count[type[1]], Number(secStatistics[type[1]]) ).toNumber();; console.log(secStatistics[type[1]],count[type[1]],'2222'); } if (!Number.isNaN(Number(secStatistics[type[2]]))) { count[type[2]] = Decimal.add( count[type[2]], Number(secStatistics[type[2]]) ).toNumber();; } } }); } return getAllTotlContent(count, type); } function getAllTotlContent(total, keys = ["num", "volume", "weight"]) { let content = []; const regexNum = new RegExp('num', 'i'); const regexVolume = new RegExp('volume', 'i'); const regexWeight = new RegExp('weight', 'i'); for (const key of keys) { if (regexNum.test(key)) { content.push(`${total[key] ?? 0}${i18n.$t("箱")}`); } if (regexVolume.test(key)) { let volume = total[key] ?? 0; content.push(`${volume}m³`); } if (regexWeight.test(key)) { let weight = total[key] ?? 0; content.push(`${weight}kg`); } } return content.join(" "); } export const fileTypes = [ "doc", "xls", "ppt", "txt", "pdf", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", ]; /** * 服务提示消息回调 * * @export * @param {*} result * @param {*} _vue * @return {*} */ function serviceMsg(result, _vue) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { code, msg } = result; if (code === 0) { _vue.$message.success(i18n.$t("操作成功")); resolve(); } else { _vue.$message.error(msg); reject(); } }); } /** * 跳转审核详情 * * @param {*} bpmProcessId */ function toReviewDetail(bpmProcessId) { this.$router.push({ path: "/bpm/process-instance/detail", query: { id: bpmProcessId }, }); } function downloadFile(funName, params, fileName, fileFormat) { _BOX[funName](params).then((res) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (event) => { try { // 将读取的string转换为json // 若果能转换成功 => 接口返回的是json数据,提示报错信息 const json = JSON.parse(; if (json.code) { window.ElementUI.Message.error(json.msg); } } catch (err) { let blob = new Blob([res], { type: `application/${fileFormat}` }); FileSaver.saveAs(blob, fileName); } }; reader.readAsText(res); }); } function downloadFileByUrl(funName, params) { _BOX[funName](params).then((res) => { if ( FileSaver.saveAs(; }); } export { getColmnMapping, getSeaStatus, airBaseData, airOneData, airNextData, constantDict, formatStringNumber, formatDateStr, formatNumberString, formatDate, getTotlContent, getCapacity, sumStatistics, serviceMsg, toReviewDetail, downloadFile, downloadFileByUrl, allTotalStatistics, getAllTotlContent };