{ "编号": "No", "登录": "Login", "个人中心": "User Center", "布局设置": "Layout", "新增": "Create", "搜索": "Search", "重置": "Reset", "新建订单": "New Order", "订舱": "Book space", "已核销比例\n(已核销基准币种总金额/应收总金额)": "Written-off ratio \n (total amount of base currency written off/total receivable amount)", "您确认要反核销吗": "Are you sure to cancel the write-off", "捷道货运收款单": " E&C Logistics Collection Note", "是否确认删除该应付款": "Are you sure to delete the account payable", "找": "find", "是否确认删除该付款单": "Are you sure to delete the bill of payment ", "您确认要核销吗": "Are you sure you want to write off?", "您确认要反审核吗": "Are you sure you want to de-review", "是否确认删除该收款单": "Are you sure to delete the receipt", "请选择需要核销的收款明细": "Please select the collection details that need to be written off", "当前收款单未添加银行收款明细,无法全部核销,请添加银行收款单明细,并核销所有实收明细后再进行全部核销": "The current collection slip has not added bank collection details The details cannot be fully written off. Please add the details of the bank receipt and write off all the actual receipt details before writing off all of them.", "您确认要全部核销吗": "Are you sure you want to write off all of them?", "确定移除": "Be sure to remove", "请输入关键词": "Please enter a keyword", "快速新建": "Quick New", "联系人信息获取失败": "Failed to obtain contact information", "用户名/手机/邮箱": "Username/Mobile Phone/Email", "已选客户": "Selected customers", "投诉回访": "Return visit of complaint", "已加载全部": "All loaded", "请输入商品关键词": "Please enter the product keyword", "选择类型": "select type", "选择属性": "Select Attribute", "产品关键字": "Product Keyword", "全选(最多500)": "Select all (up to 500)", "全选库内商品(共{cnt}个)": "Select all products in the warehouse (total {cnt})", "已选{cnt}个产品": "Selected {cnt} products", "客户名称不能为空": "Customer name cannot be empty", "手机号不能为空": "Mobile phone number cannot be empty", "联系人不能为空": "Contact cannot be empty", "客户类别不能为空": "Customer category cannot be empty", "创建时间不能为空": "Creation time cannot be empty", "客户来源不能为空": "Customer source cannot be empty", "客户经理不能为空": "Customer manager cannot be empty", "客户状态不能为空": "Customer status cannot be empty", "创建人不能为空": "Creator cannot be empty", "运输方式": "Transportation method", "请选择运输方式": "Please select a shipping method", "始发地": "Departure location", "请选择始发地": "Please select departure location ", "目的地": "destination", "请选择目的地": "Please select a destination", "出货渠道": "Shipping Channel", "请选择目渠道": "Please select a target channel", "全选": "select all", "全不选": "unselect all", "展开": "Expand", "折叠": "fold", "始发仓": "Origin warehouse", "目的仓": "Destination warehouse", "渠道": "Channel", "操作": "operate", "抄送": "CC", "请选择抄送人": "Please select a copy person", "msg": "msg", "布局大小": "Layout Size", "工作流": "Workflow", "定义编号": "Definition number", "定义名称": "Definition name", "定义分类": "Definition Category", "表单信息": "Form Information", "暂无表单": "No form yet", "流程版本": "Process Version", "未部署": "Undeployed", "状态": "state", "激活": "Activate", "挂起": "Pending", "部署时间": "Deployment Time", "定义描述": "Definition Description", "分配规则": "Assignment Rules", "表单详情": "Form details", "流程图": "Flowchart", "流程表单": "Process Form", "表单名": "Form Name", "请输入表单名": "Please enter a form name", "开启状态": "Open state", "备注": "Remark", "请输入备注": "Please enter a remark", "保存": "Save", "查看json": "View json", "清空": "Clear", "从左侧拖入或点选组件进行表单设计": "Drag or click components from the left for form design", "创建时间": "Creation Time", "详情": "Details", "修改": "Revise", "删除": "delete", "流程名称": "Process name", "流程分类": "Process Classification", "流程描述": "Process Description", "选择": "choose", "申请信息": "Application Information", "选择其它流程": "Choose another process", "审批任务": "Approval Task", "流程名": "Process Name", "流程发起人": "Process Initiator", "抄送人": "Cc", "审批建议": "Approval Proposal", "请输入审批建议": "Please enter approval suggestion", "通过": "pass", "不通过": "Fail", "转办": "Turn to do", "点击查看": "Click to view", "审批记录": "Approval Record", "任务": "Task", "审批人": "Approver", "审批时间": "Processing time", "耗时": "time consuming", "新审批人": "New Approver", "确定": "Sure", "取消": "Cancel", "流程编号": "Process number", "任务名称": "mission name", "请选择流程分类": "Please select a process category", "提交时间": "Submission time", "开始日期": "start date", "结束日期": "End Date", "请选择状态": "Please select a status", "结果": "result", "请选择流结果": "Please select stream result", "发起流程": "Initiate process", "业务编号": "Business Number", "当前审批节点": "Current approval node", "结束时间": "End Time", "请输入取消原因?": "Please enter a reason for cancellation?", "取消流程": "Cancel Process", "取消原因不能为空": "Cancel reason cannot be empty", "取消成功": "Cancel success", "请输入流程编号": "Please enter the process number", "请输入任务名称": "Please enter a task name", "请输入业务编号": "Please enter the business number", "审批": "Approval", "暂无权限": "No permission", "注册会员数": "Number of Registered Members", "未读消息数": "Number of unread messages", "待办事项": "To do", "我的订单": "My Order", "待审核注册会员": "Registration pending review", "请选择日期": "Please select a date", "操作步骤": "Steps", "请选择操作步骤": "Please select an operation step", "费用类型": "types of fee", "请选择费用类型": "Please select a type of fee", "供应商": "supplier", "请选择供应商": "Please select a supplier", "金额": "Amount", "请选择单位": "Please select a unit", "操作步骤不能为空": "Operation steps cannot be empty", "费用类型不能为空": "Cost type cannot be empty", "供应商不能为空": "Supplier cannot be empty", "金额不能为空": "Amount cannot be empty", "金额单位不能为空": " Unit amount cannot be empty", "柜型": "Container type", "请选择柜型": "Please select a type of container", "运输方式不能为空": "Transportation method cannot be empty", "柜型不能为空": "Container type cannot be empty", "始发地不能为空": "Departure location can not be empty", "目的地不能为空": "Destination cannot be empty", "修改成功": "Successfully modified", "新增成功": "added successfully", "请选择出货渠道": "Please select a shipping channel", "出货渠道不能为空": "Shipping channel cannot be empty", "自编号": "Self-Number", "请输入自编号": "Please enter your own number", "柜号": "Container number", "请输入柜号": "Please enter the container number", "请选择时间类型": "Please select a time type", "出货安排": "Shipping Arrangement", "导出": "Export", "日期": "date", "查看": "Check", "编辑": "edit", "空运": "Air", "异常登记": "Exception Registration", "费用登记": "Expense Registration", "分拣时间": "Sorting time", "装柜时间": "Loading time", "起运时间": "Departure Time", "到港时间": "arrival time", "清关时间": "Clearance Time", "提货时间": "pickup time", "添加出货": "Add Shipping", "修改出货": "Modify Shipping", "是否确认删除出货编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose shipping number is {id}?", "删除成功": "successfully deleted", "是否确认导出所有出货数据项?": "Are you sure to export all shipping data items?", "新建计划": "New plan", "序号": "Number", "待入仓方数": "CBM to enter warehouse", "已入仓方数": "CBM that have entered the warehouse", "在仓方数": "CBM in warehouse", "已装柜方数": "CBM of installed container", "未来天数": "Number of days in the future", "计划货柜": "Plan Container", "未来计划方数": "CBM of future plans", "未来实际方数": " Actual CBM in the future", "创建人": "founder", "已装柜仓数": "Number of warehouses installed", "未来": "future", "天货柜数": "Number of containers per day", "未来{futureNumber}天计划方数": "Planned cbm in the future {futureNumber} days", "未来{futureNumber}天实际方数": "Actual cbm in the future {futureNumber} days", "添加预定舱计划": "Add booking plan", "修改预定舱计划": "Modify booking plan", "是否确认删除预定舱计划编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item with booking plan number {id}?", "是否确认导出所有预定舱计划数据项?": "Are you sure to export all reservation plan data items?", "国家": "nation", "请选择国家": "Please select a country", "方数(预装/已装)": "CBM (pre-loaded/Loaded)", "重量(预装/已装)": "Weight (pre-loaded/Loaded)", "操作-海运": "Operation-Sea", "编辑提货单": "Edit Bill of Lading", "下载": "download", "预装单": "Preloading list", "已装单": "Loaded list", "应收汇总表": "Receivable Summary Table", "提货单": "Bill of lading", "提单Copy": "Bill of Lading Copy", "您有{cnt}个待处理出货操作,请尽快前往处理": "You have {cnt} shipping operations to be processed, please go and process them as soon as possible", "类型": "Types of", "预计时间": "estimated time", "处理": "deal with", "关闭窗口": "close the window", "预装时间": "Preload time", "出货操作提醒": "Shipping Operation Reminder", "是否确认删除出货编号为 {no} 的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item with shipment number {no}?", "海运管理": "Maritime Management", "方数": "CBM", "预装": "Preload", "已装": "Loaded", "重量": "weight", "海空联运": "Sea and air transport", "打包下载": "Download package", "下载已装单": "Download loaded list", "订单号": "order number", "货物信息": "Cargo Information", "品名": "Product Name", "品牌": "brand", "其他": "other", "控货": "Onhold goods", "计划箱数": "Number of planned boxes", "箱": "box", "实装箱数": "Number of boxes", "提货点": "Place of Delivery", "体积": "Volume", "客户经理": "Customer care manager", "制作": "Make", "提单制作": "Make Packing List", "审核中": "under review", "已审核通过": "Approved", "重新制作": "Remake", "审核拒绝": "Audit Denied", "打包文件": "Package file", "审批流程": "Approval Process", "取消审核": "Cancel review", "提单预览": "B/L Preview", "提交审核": "Submit review", "打印": "Print", "请检查LODOP打印控件是否安装并启动": "Please check whether the LODOP printing control is installed and started", "出货详情": "Shipping Details", "总计": "Total", "明细": "Details", "当前部分": "Current section", "请选择": "please choose", "全部": "all", "更新所选订单状态": "Update Selected Order Status", "更新全部订单状态": "Update all order status", "单证状态": "Document Status", "卸柜箱数": "Number of unloaded boxes", "货值": "Value", "报关方式": "Customs declaration method", "报关费用": "Customs fees", "更新状态": "update status", "费用": "Amount", "实付金额": "The amount actually paid", "实付日期": "Actual payment date", "确定是否删除": "Determine whether to delete", "异常": "Exception", "异常描述": "Exception description", "异常延迟天数": "Number of abnormally late days", "异常时间": "Exception time", "表单": "form", "文件类型": "file type", "下载链接": "Download link", "未完成": "undone", "更新报关异常状态": "Update Customs Declaration Abnormal Status", "更新起运异常状态": "Update Shipping Exception Status", "更新到港异常状态": "Update Arrival Abnormal Status", "第{index}部分": "Part {index}", "{num}箱 {volume}m³ {weight}kg": "{num}box {volume}m³ {weight}kg", "无": "none", "票异常": "Shippment exception", "请选择票异常": "Please select shippment exception", "异常情况": "abnormal situation", "请输入异常情况": "Please enter exception", "通知人": "alert others", "请选择通知人": "Please select a notification person", "是否更新订单状态": "Whether to update order status", "中文内容": "Chinese content", "请输入中文内容": "Please enter Chinese content", "英文内容": "English content", "请输入英文内容": "Please enter English content", "提交": "submit", "关闭": "closure", "是": "yes", "否": "no", "出货信息": "Shipping Information", "货柜状态": "Container Status", "订单列表": "Order List", "申请原因": "Application Reason", "部分": "part", "入仓货物属性": "Inbound Goods Properties", "合计": "Total", "代理商Agent": "Agent", "请选择代理商": "Please select an agency", "必填": "Required", "预计到港时间": "Estimated time of arrival", "实际到港时间": "Actual Arrival Time", "确认到港": "Confirm Arrival", "请确认是否有异常,如有异常请进行异常登记": "Please confirm whether there is an exception, if there is an exception, please register the exception", "卸港时间": "Unloading time", "驳船": "barge", "驳船预计开船时间": "Barge Estimated Departure Time", "驳船实际开船时间": "The actual departure time of the barge", "请输入SO NO.": "Please enter SO NO.", "船公司类型": "Shipping Company Type", "请选择船公司类型": "Please select the shipping company type", "驳船港": "Barge Harbor", "请选择驳船港": "Please select a barge port", "大船港": "Mother Vessel Port", "请选择大船港": "Please select a Mother Vessel Port", "目的港": "Destination", "请选择目的港": "Please select destination port", "订舱公司": "Booking Company", "请选择订舱公司": "Please select a booking company", "预计驳船时间": "Estimated Barge Time", "预计开船时间": "Estimated sailing time", "预计提单补料时间": "Estimated bill of lading replenishment time", "预计报关时间": "Estimated Customs Declaration Time", "预计截关时间": "Estimated cut-off time", "到仓时间": "Arrival Time", "仓库": "warehouse", "请选择仓库": "Please select warehouse", "出仓时间": "Exit Time", "装柜图片": "Cabinet picture", "开始装柜": "Strat Loading", "封柜": "Cover", "请先进行装柜->审批->确认封柜": "Please load the goods first->approval->confirm the cabinet seal", "拆单申请": "Splitting application", "原单信息": "Original order information", "唛头": "Mark", "订单状态": "Order Status", "送货日期": "Delivery Date", "发货人姓名": "Shipper", "发货公司": "Shipping company", "发货电话": "Sender's Phone NO.", "收货人姓名": "Consignee", "收货公司": "Receiving company", "收货电话": "Consignee's Phone NO.", "装柜货物属性": "Container Cargo Properties", "规格": "Specification", "箱数": "CTNS NO.", "计划装柜": "Plan to load", "最后操作时间": "Last operation time", "正常": "normal", "拆单信息": "Splitting information", "发往": "Sent", "放入": "put into a", "移出": "Move out", "提交申请": "submit application", "返回": "return", "放入品名": "Input product name", "请选择中文品名": "Please select the product name in Chinese", "请选择英文品名": "Please select the product name in English", "小计": "Subtotal", "请输入数量(个)": "Please enter the quantity (unit)", "放入箱数不能大于总箱数": "The number of boxes cannot be more than the total number of boxes", "放入箱数不能为0": "The number of boxes cannot be 0", "放入数量(个)不能为0": "The quantity (unit) cannot be 0", "放入成功": "Put in successfully", "是否移除货物吗?": "Do you want to remove the goods?", "移除成功": "Removed successfully", "当前装柜": "Current loading", "请输入二维码/条码编号": "Please enter the QR code/barcode number", "批量输入": "Batch input", "装柜纠错": "Cabinet Error Correction", "批量装柜纠错": "Batch loading error correction", "外部仓": "External Warehouse", "拆单": "Split order", "容量": "capacity", "补单": "Replenishment order", "封柜申请": "Application for Closure", "修改柜信息": "Modify cabinet information", "封柜审核中": "Sealing cabinet review", "未装": "Uninstalled", "起运仓库": "Departure Warehouse", "预装日期": "Preload Date", "选择柜型": "Select a type of container", "下一步": "Next step", "装柜纠错(二维码/条形码编号)": "Loading error correction (QR code/barcode number)", "请输入二维码/条形码编号": "Please enter the QR code/barcode number", "请输入,多个以逗号分隔": "Please enter, separated by commas", "请输入订单号": "Please enter the order number", "封柜审核": "Review the cover goods", "箱数不能为0": "The number of boxes cannot be 0", "货物筛选": "Cargo Screening", "可预装方数": "CBM can be preloaded", "入仓时间": "Entry Time", "全部预装": "All Pre-loaded", "收起": "Collapse", "预装柜": "Perload Container", "完成": "Finish", "确认删除该部分及其已预装订单?": "Are you sure you want to delete this part and its preloaded order?", "提示": "hint", "确定执行操作?": "Are you sure to perform the operation?", "出单方式": "Issuance method", "请选择出单方式": "Please select the way of order", "电放时间": "Telex release time", "电放凭证附件": "Attachment of telex release voucher", "寄送时间": "Send Time", "快递单号": "tracking number", "请输入快递单号": "Please enter the tracking number", "清关代理": "Customs Clearance Agent", "预计清关时间": "Estimated customs clearance time", "清关时间与预计时间不符,如有异常请登记": "The customs clearance time does not match the expected time, please register if there is any abnormality", "单证要求": "Document requirements", "柜重": "Cabinet Weight", "请输入柜重": "Please enter the cabinet weight", "货重": "Cargo Weight", "请输入货重": "Please enter the cargo weight", "请选择报关方式": "Please select the customs declaration method", "正常报关订单": "export drawback order", "报关公司名称": "Customs Broker Name", "请选择报关公司名称": "Please select the name of the customs broker", "截关时间": "ClosingTime", "报关时间": "Customs declaration time", "查验": "examination", "查验时间": "examination time", "查验前图片": "Picture before examination", "新封条": "New Seal", "请输入新封条": "Please enter a new seal", "退场状态": "Exit Status", "放行时间": "Release time", "装箱单": "Packing List", "下载装箱单": "Download packing list", "报关单": "Customs declaration document", "下载所有报关单": "Download all customs declaration documents", "全部退场审核中": "All exit review", "部分退场审核中": "Partial exit review", "取消全部退场审核": "Cancel all exit audits", "取消部分退场审核": "Cancel Partial Exit Review", "额外费用": "Extra cost", "额外费用订单": "Additional Fee Order", "退场审核中": "Exit review", "审核通过,退场中": "Approved, exiting", "审核通过,部分退场中": "Approved, partly exiting", "实际开船时间": "Actual sailing date", "订单状态与短信通知,将到指定时间更新与发送": "Order status and SMS notification will be updated and sent at the specified time", "实际开船实际与预计时间不符": "The actual sailing time does not match the expected time", "预期到港时间": "Expected arrival time", "备案": "Filing", "请选择备案": "Please select record", "待预装订单": "Pending pre-installed order", "请输入待预装订单": "Please enter the order to be pre-loaded", "已预装单号": "Preloaded tracking number", "请输入已预装单号": "Please enter the pre-loaded tracking number", "请输入品名": "Please enter product name", "重货比": "Cargo ratio", "搜索已预装订单": "Search preloaded orders", "搜索待预装订单": "Search pending orders", "已预装订单": "Preloaded order", "增加": "Add", "删除部分": "Delete section", "删除订单": "Delete order", "筛选后待预装数量": " Quantity to be pre-loaded after screening", "预装全部": "Preload All", "包装类型": "type of packaging", "材质": "Material", "目的地操作员": "Destination Operator", "请选择目的地操作员": "Please select a destination operator", "关联单": "Association list", "目的地操作员必填": "Destination operator is required", "预装审核": "Audit preload", "请选择订单": "Please select an order", "申请理由": "Reason for Application", "请输入申请理由": "Please enter the reason for application", "发起申请": "submit applications", "取消反审核": "Cancel anti-review", "可结算": "Billable", "已结算": "Settled", "配船时间": "Ship allocation time", "代理商AGENT": "Agent", "请输入提单号": "Please enter the bill of lading number", "提单确认件": "Bill of lading confirmation", "请输入SO NO": "Please enter SO NO", "装货港": "port of loading", "请选择装货港": "Please select the port of loading", "船公司": "shipping company", "请选择船公司": "Please select a shipping company", "托运人": "Shipper", "请选择托运人": "Please select a shipper", "收货人": "Receiver", "请选择收货人": "Please select the consignee", "通知方": "Notify Party", "请选择通知方": "Please select a notification party", "包装数量与单位": "Packing quantity and unit", "请输入包装数量": "Please enter the package quantity", "请输入毛重": "Please enter gross weight", "请输入立方数": "Please enter the cubic number", "货物描述": "Cargo Description", "请输入货物描述": "Please enter a description of the goods", "封条": "Seal", "批量修改储位": "Modify storage slots in batches", "入仓单号": "Warehouse Receipt Number", "入仓统计": "Entry statistics", "储位": "Storage spaces", "没有需要修改储位的订单": "There is no order that needs to modify the storage space", "批量理货": "Batch tally", "批量移出": "Batch removal", "商品信息": "Product Information", "纸箱尺寸": "Carton size", "已理货": "Tallyed", "未理货": "Not Tallyed", "理货时间": "Tally time", "理货": "Tally", "完成理货": "Complete tally", "请选择需要理货的订单": "Please select the order that needs to be tallied", "请选择需要移出的订单": "Please select the order to be removed", "您确定要将 {no} 移出 {selfNo} 吗?": "Are you sure you want to move {no} out of {selfNo}?", "理货确认": "Tally confirmation", "入仓类型": "Entry Type", "长": "length", "宽": "width", "高": "Height", "数量(个)": "Quantity(PCS)", "入仓记录": "Warehousing Records", "拖车公司": "Towing company", "请选择拖车公司": "Please select a towing company", "拖车时间": "Trailer Time", "车牌": "License Plate", "请输入车牌": "Please enter the license plate", "司机": "driver", "请输入司机": "Please enter the driver", "司机联系方式": "Driver contact information", "请输入司机联系方式": "Please enter the driver's contact information", "货柜号": "Container number", "请输入货柜号": "Please enter the container number", "请输入封条": "Please enter the seal", "预计到达时间": "Estimated arrival time", "实际到达时间": "Actual Arrival Time", "实际二程时间": "Actual Second-carriage Time", "预计头程时间": "Estimated First-carriage Time", "实际头程时间": "Actual First-carriage Time", "预计二程时间": "Estimated Second-carriage Time", "网点": "Branches warehouse", "卸柜时间": "Unloading time", "开始卸柜": "Start unloading cabinet", "请先通过卸柜审批": "Please pass the unloading approval first", "请输入": "please enter ", "一键卸柜": "One-click unloading", "清关状态": "Customs clearance status", "异常状态": "Exception Status", "异常类型": "Exception Type", "已卸": "unloaded ", "卸柜完成": "Unloading completed", "卸柜审核中": "Unloading cabinet review", "请输入箱号标签": "Please enter the box number label", "确认卸柜?": "Confirm unloading?", "全部清关": "All Cleared out completed", "部分清关": "Partial cleared", "未清关": "Under clearing", "卸柜异常": "Unloading Abnormal", "待处理": "Pending", "已到港": "Arrived at port", "请选择品名": "Please select a product name", "件数": "Number of pieces", "异常详情": "Abnormal Details", "请输入异常详情": "Please enter Abnormal details", "货物异常数量不能大于装柜数量": "The abnormal quantity of goods cannot be greater than the quantity in the container", "请先完成上一步": "Please complete the previous step first", "代理商设置": "Agency Settings", "预装反审": "preload review", "出货安排(预装)": "Shipment Arrangements (Preload)", "装柜反审": "loading review", "卸柜反审": "container unloading -review", "海运出货操作": "Sea shipment Arrangement", "排单": "scheduling", "拖车": "Trailer", "装柜": "loading", "报关": "customs clearance", "提单补料": "Shipping information of BL", "起运": "DEPARTURE", "清关文件": "Clearance document", "到港": "Arrived", "清关": "Cleared out", "卸柜": "Unloadind", "结算": "Settlement", "配船": "Vessels Allotment ", "二程起飞": "Second carriage took-off", "二程到港": "Second carriage arrived", "业务员": "Salesman", "联系方式": "contact details", "完成理货时间": "Complete tally time", "代理商": "Agency", "仓库类型": "Warehouse Type", "报关行公司": "Customs Broker Company", "VGM重量": "VGM Weight", "已配/免配": "Allocated/Free", "提单品名": "product name of Bill of lading", "提单备注": "Remarks on Bill of Lading", "卸货时间": "Unloading Time", "免配": "Free configuration", "已配": "Assigned", "无驳船": "No Barge", "有驳船": "Barges Incurred", "电放": "Telex Release", "正本": "Original", "无需": "No need", "已做": "done", "海空联运出货操作": "Sea and Air CARGO Shipping Operation", "更新类型": "Update Type", "更新订单状态": "Update Order Status", "请选择类型": "Please choose the type", "标题中文": "Title Chinese", "不能为空": "Can not be empty", "请输入中文标题": "Please enter the title in Chinese", "标题英文": "Title English", "请输入英文标题": "Please enter English title", "有效期": "Validity", "选择开始时间": "Select start time", "选择结束时间": "Select end time", "注意:留空则表示永久有效": "Note: If left blank, it means permanent effect", "优惠券金额": "Coupon Amount", "满": "Full", "使用": "use", "注意:留空则表示不受满金额限制": "Note: If you leave it blank, it means that you are not limited by the full amount", "减": "reduce", "折扣率": "Discount Rate", "收": "receive", "价格": "price", "清关费": "Clearance fee", "叠加优惠": "Overlay Offer", "暂无可用优惠券": "No coupons available yet", "同类优惠不叠加": "Similar discounts can not overlap", "可叠加优惠劵列表": "List of superimposed coupons", "请输入可叠加优惠劵列表": "Please enter a list of coupons that can be superimposed", "适用用户": "Applicable users", "适用线路类型": "Applicable Line Type", "适用商品": "Applicable products", "订单属性": "Order Properties", "是否发送站内信": "Whether to send the station message", "是否控货": "Whether change into Onhold goods", "单证报关": "Document declaration", "发布": "Publish", "请选择是否控货": "Please choose whether change into onhold goods", "请选择品牌": "Please select a brand", "请选择订单属性": "Please select an order attribute", "请选择单证报关": "Please select a document declaration", "费用类型冲突": "Cost Type Conflict", "暂无费用设置": "No fee setting yet", "兑换金额": "Exchange Amount", "兑换货币类型": "Exchange Currency Type", "有效时间": "Effective time", "尼日利亚": "Nigeria", "北京": "Beijing", "过期提示语": "Expiration Notice", "请输入金额": "Please enter the amount", "货币类型": "Currency Type", "请输入兑换金额": "Please enter the exchange amount", "请输入状态": "Please enter a status", "未知": "Unknown", "添加E-Cash汇率单位": "Add E-Cash exchange rate unit", "是否确认删除E-Cash汇率单位编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose E-Cash exchange rate unit number is {id}?", "是否确认导出所有E-Cash汇率单位数据项?": "Are you sure to export all E-Cash exchange rate unit data items?", "请选择客户名称": "Please select a customer name", "客户名称": "client's name", "原计划掉入公海池时间": "Planned time to fall into the Common customers List", "申请延期后掉入时间": "Apply time for fall into the Common customers List", "请输入申请延期后掉入时间": "Please enter the time that delay fall into the Common customers List", "凭证": "proof materials", "请选择处理结果": "Please select the processing result", "请上传报关资料": "Please upload customs declaration information", "提交成功": "Submitted successfully", "请输入客户名称": "Please enter the customer name", "客户等级": "Customer level", "请选择客户等级": "Please select customer level", "联系地址": "contact address", "请输入联系地址": "Please enter the contact address", "客户类别": "client's categories", "资源类型": "Resource Type", "所属代理": "Affiliate", "请选择所属代理": "Please select the affiliate", "公司名称": "Company Name", "请输入公司名称": "Please enter a company name", "客户生日": "Customer Birthday", "请输入客户生日": "Please enter customer birthday", "主营类别": "Main category", "请选择产品类别": "Please select a product category", "客户来源": "Customer Source from", "请选择客户来源": "Please select customer source from", "结算方式": "Payment Method", "请选择结算方式": "Please select a payment method", "请选择客户经理": "Please select an Customer manager", "图片": "picture", "客户状态": "Customer Status", "请选择客户状态": "Please select customer status", "推介人": "Promoter", "请输入推介人": "Please enter the referrer", "选择创建时间": "Select Creation Time", "是否显示提单价格": "Whether to display the price on B/L", "到仓确认": "Arrival Confirmation", "重货标准": "Heavy cargo standard", "请输入重货标准": "Please enter the heavy cargo standard", "指定线路": "Specify Shipping Line", "泡货标准": "volumetric goods standard", "请输入泡货标准": "Please enter the volumetric goods standard", "联系人": "Contact", "部门": "department", "请输入部门": "Please enter the department", "职位": "Position", "请输入职位": "Please enter the position", "请输入联系人": "Please enter a contact person", "区号": "Country Code", "请选择区号": "Please select the country code", "请输入联系方式": "Please enter the contact information", "关联账号": "Associated account", "社交软件": "social application", "请选择社交软件": "Please select social software", "社交软件号码": "Social software number", "请输入社交软件号码": "Please enter social software number", "邮箱": "Mail", "请输入邮箱": "please input your email", "设为默认": "set as Default", "请输入发票抬头": "Please enter the title of the invoice", "纳税人识别号": "Taxpayer Identification Number", "请输入纳税人识别号": "Please enter the taxpayer identification number", "开户行": "Opening Bank", "请输入开户行": "Please enter the account bank", "账户": "Account", "请输入账户": "Please enter account", "项目": "project", "请输入项目": "Please enter the projet", "开票地址": "Billing address", "请输入开票地址": "Please enter the billing address", "开票电话": "Billing Phone", "请输入开票电话": "Please enter the billing phone number", "税率": "Tax Rate", "请输入税率": "Please enter the tax rate", "确 定": "Sure", "取 消": "Cancel", "国家不能为空": "Country cannot be empty", "客户等级不能为空": "Customer level cannot be empty", "手机号验证失败": "Phone number verification failed", "至少拥有一个默认联系人": "At least one default contact", "至少添加一位联系人": "At least add one contact", "至少填写一个联系人信息": "At least fill in one contact information", "修改客户": "Modify Customer", "常用提货网点": "regular pick-up branch warehouse", "请输入常用提货网点": "Please enter the pick-up branch warehouse", "客户编号": "Customer Number", "信用等级": "Credit Rating", "批量移交": "Batch Hand over", "主联系人": "Primary Contact Name", "主联系方式": "Primary Phone Contact", "入公海时间": "Timefall to Common Customers List", "掉入公海池": "Fall into the Common customers List", "跟进": "follow up", "客诉": "Customer Complaint", "延期": "postpone", "调入公海池成功!": "Successfully transferred to the Common customers List!", "是否确认删除客户编号为": "Are you sure to delete the customer number", "是否确认导出所有客户数据项?": "Are you sure to export all customer data items?", "客户信息": "Customer Information", "全部客户信息": "All customer information", "完善": "Complete", "是否确认导出间接客户数据项?": "Are you sure to export indirect customer data items?", "报价": "quote", "常提货网点": "regular? pick-up branch warehouse", "订单": "Order", "运输方式:": "Transportation method:", "订单状态:": "Order Status:", "报关方式:": "Customs declaration method:", "入仓时间:": "Entry time:", "订单编号": "Order Number", "总箱数/入仓箱数": "Total Number of CARTONS/Number of Received CARTONS", "体积/重量": "volume and weight", "运输方式/目的地": "Shipping Method/Destination", "报价单号": "Quotation Number", "销售阶段": "Sales Stage", "预计结束时间": "Estimated end time", "负责人": "person in charge", "客户投诉": "Customer complaints", "账单": "bill", "已核销比例": "Write-off ratio", "实收日期": "Receipt Date", "数据": "data", "海空联运/海运拼柜/海运整柜/专线空运": "Sea&air Cargo/sea Groupage Loading/sea FCL/special air shipping Route", "最后交易日期": "Last Transaction Date", "全部订单/控货订单": "All Orders/Onhold Orders", "最后交易单号": "Last transaction number", "报价/下单/入仓": "Quotation/Order/Entry", "储存量": "Storage", "已出货订单": "Shipped Order", "品牌授权": "Brand authorized", "中文标题": "Chinese Title", "英文标题": "English Title", "有无备案": "Whether the goods'brand is registered", "授权开始": "Authorization started", "授权结束": "Authorization Finished", "授权证明": "authorizing proof", "附件": "attachment", "收费标准": "Chargeing standard", "添加人": "add a person", "信用日志": "Credit Log", "添加信用日志": "Add Credit Log", "规则名称": "Rule Name", "规则分类": "Rule Category", "规则得分": "Rule Score", "时间": "time", "等级日志": "Level Log", "给客户": "To customer", "客户编号:": "Customer Number:", "信用类别": "Credit Category", "信用分": "Credit Score", "分": "Minute", "取消报价": "Cancel Quotation", "特价审批中": "Special price approval", "需求确认": "Requirement Confirmation", "跟进中": "following up", "赢单": "Win", "输单": "Losing order", "报价完成": "Quotation complete", "是否要删除当前客户": "Do you want to delete the current customer", "客服": "customer service", "请选择客户经理!": "Please select an customer manager!", "用户批量转移成功!": "users Batch hand over successfully!", "联系电话": "contact number", "请输入电话": "Please enter a phone number", "佣金类型": "Commission Type", "佣金设置": "Commission Settings", "佣金编码": "Commission code", "暗佣返佣类型": "Secret Commission? Service Typee", "始发地/目的地": "Origin / destination", "客户id不能为空": "Customer id cannot be empty", "佣金类型不能为空": "Commission type cannot be empty", "暗佣类型 1产品2达标不能为空": "Secret commission type 1 product 2 reach the standard cannot be empty", "是否确认删除客户佣金类型编号为": "Are you sure to delete the customer commission type number is", "请输入选择客户": "Please enter the selected customer", "佣金类型(明佣、暗佣)": "Commission type (clear commission secret commission)", "返佣类型": "Commission Type", "佣金": "commission", "商品类型": "Commodity characteristics", "商品特性": "Commodity characteristics", "添加": "Add to", " 佣金:": " commission:", "返": "return", "暗佣佣金": "Secret commission commission", "成本价 = 原价-暗佣佣金": "Cost Price = Original Price - Secret Commission", "销售价上调": "Sales price increase", " 实际佣金返点 = 销售价-成本价": "Actual commission rebate = sales price - cost price", "添加成功!": "Added successfully!", "修改成功!": "Modified Successfully!", "投诉类型": "Complaint Type", "请选择投诉类型": "Please select the complaint type", "提单号": "Bill of lading number", "处理状态": "Processing Status", "请选择处理状态": "Please select processing status", "投诉编号": "Complaint Number", "请输入投诉编号": "Please enter the complaint number", "投诉日期": "Complaint Date", "登记客服": "Registered customer service", "处理时间": "Processing Time", "赔付金额": "Payment Amount", "投诉时间": "Complaint time", "投诉状态": "Complaint Status", "投诉内容": "Complaints", "请输入内容": "Please enter content", "查明原因": "find out the reasons", "请输入查明原因": "Please enter the reason", "处理方案": "Solution", "请输入处理方案": "Please enter a solution", "处理结果": "process result", "请输入处理结果": "Please enter the processing result", "请输入赔付金额": "Please enter the compensation amount", "请选择货币单位": "Please select currency unit", "投诉类型不能为空": "Complaint type cannot be empty", "投诉内容不能为空": "Complaint content cannot be empty", "添加客户投诉": "Add customer complaint", "投诉详情": "Complaint Details", "修改客户投诉": "Modify Customer Complaint", "请输入处理时间": "Please enter processing time", "是否确认删除客户投诉编号为": "Are you sure to delete the customer complaint number", "是否确认导出所有客户投诉数据项?": "Are you sure to export all customer complaint data items?", "找不到客户": "Cannot find customer", "分配时间": "Allocate Time", "确认接收": "Confirm Receive", "移交": "Handover", "请选择客户类别": "Please select a customer category", "请选择字典生成": "Please select dictionary generation", "产品类型": "product type", "请选择产品类型": "Please select a product type", "产品id": "Product ID", "请输入产品id": "Please enter the product id", "请输入图片": "Please enter a picture", "请输入创建人": "Please enter the creator", " 重货标准(CBM)": "Heavy Cargo Standard (CBM)", "请输入重货标准(CBM)": "Please enter the heavy cargo standard (CBM)", "关联会员账号": "Associated membership account", "请输入关联会员账号": "Please enter the associated membership account", "发票抬头": "Invoice", "重货标准(CBM)不能为空": "Heavy Goods'CBM cannot be empty", "添加客户": "Add Customer", "是否确认接收客户": "Are you sure to receive customers", "接收成功": "Received successfully", "是否确认导出我的待接受客户数据项?": "Are you sure to export my pending customer data items?", "我的待接收客户": "My pending customers", "移交成功": "Handover successful", "关联账户名": "Associated account name", "请输入关联账户名": "Please enter the associated account name", "请输入区号": "Please enter the country code", "手机号码(不带任何区号)": "Mobile phone number (without any country code)", "请输入手机号码(不带任何区号)": "Please enter your mobile phone number (without any country code)", "客户id": "Customer ID", "社交方式": "Social method", "电子邮箱": "E-mail", "默认联系人:1为默认": "Default contact: 1 is the default", "关联账户id": "Associated account id", "请输入客户id": "Please enter customer id", "请输入社交方式": "Please enter the social method", "请输入电子邮箱": "Please enter your email address", "请输入默认联系人:1为默认": "Please enter the default contact: 1 is the default", "请输入关联账户id": "Please enter the associated account id", "区号不能为空": "Area code cannot be empty", "手机号码(不带任何区号)不能为空": "Mobile phone number (without any country code) cannot be empty", "添加客户联系人": "Add Customer Contact", "修改客户联系人": "Modify Customer Contact", "是否确认删除客户联系人编号为": "Are you sure to delete the customer contact number", "是否确认导出所有客户联系人数据项?": "Are you sure to export all customer contact data items?", "请输入客户编号": "Please enter customer number", "分配客服": "Assign customer service", "移交成功!": "Handover successful!", "是否确认导出待分配客户数据项?": "Are you sure to export the customer data items to be assigned?", "待分配客户": "Customer to be assigned", "人员目标进度": "Personnel target schedule", "部门目标": "Department Goal", "员工名称": "Employee Name", "目标类型": "Target Type", "时间范围": "time limit", "个人目标方数": "Personal targets CBM", "已完成方数": "Completed CBM", "完成比例": "Completion Rate", "部门ID不能为空": "Department ID cannot be empty", "目标类型不能为空": "Target type cannot be empty", "立方数不能为空": "CBM cannot be empty", "添加部门业绩目标设置": "Add departmental performance target settings", "修改部门业绩目标设置": "Modify department performance target settings", "是否确认删除部门业绩目标设置编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose department performance goal setting number is {id}?", "是否确认导出所有部门业绩目标设置数据项?": "Are you sure to export all department performance target setting data items?", "请选择部门": "Please select a department", "目标设置": "Target Settings", "目标名称": "Target Name", "目标": "Target", "部门人数": "Number Of Employees", "目标方数": "Targets CBM", "请选择目标类型": "Please select a target type", "计算周期": "Calculation Period", "立方数": "CBM", "部门不能为空": "Department cannot be empty", "计算周期不能为空": "Calculation period cannot be empty", "起始时间不能为空": "Start time cannot be empty", "截止时间不能为空": "Deadline cannot be empty", "关键字": "keyword", "请输入关键字查找": "Please enter a keyword to search", "请选择资源类型": "Please select resource type", "请选择开始时间": "Please select a start time", "请选择结束时间": "Please select an end time", "报价结果": "Quotation Result", "下单时间": "order time", "我的业绩": "My performance", "修改收款单": "Modify receipt", "新增收款单": "Add new receipt", "客户": "client", "客户不能为空": "Customer cannot be empty", "业务员不能为空": "Salesman cannot be empty", "请选择业务员": "Please select a salesperson", "手续费(RMB)": "Handling Fee(RMB)", "手续费不能为空": "Handling fee cannot be empty", "请输入手续费": "Please enter the handling fee", "应收明细": "Receivable Details", "添加未收客户款项": "Add Outstanding Payments from Client", "收入类型": "Income Type", "单价金额": "Unit Price Amount", "总金额": "total amount", "优惠金额": "Discount amount", "修改优惠": "Modify Offer", "新增优惠": "Add Offer", "是否需要开票": "Do you need to issue invoice", "请选择是否需要开票": "Please choose whether issue invoice", "核销基准币种": "Write-off base currency", "开票资料": "Billing Information", "账号": "account", "请输入账号": "Please input Username", "税率%": "Tax Rate%", "开票地址/电话": "Billing address/telephone", "请输入开票地址/电话": "Please enter the billing address/phone number", "收款信息": "Payment information", "应收币种": "Currency Receivable", "应收金额": "Amount Receivable", "汇率": "exchange rate", "应收总金额": "Total Amount Receivable", "核销基准金额": "Write-off base amount", "期望收款账户": "Expected receiving account", "请选择收款账户": "Please select the receiving account", "期望收款币种": "Expected payment currency", "期望收款汇率": "Expected exchange rate", "期望收费金额": "Expected Charge Amount", "期望收款金额": "Expected payment amount", "人民币": "RMB", "奈拉": "Naira", "西非法郎": "CFA franc", "账单汇率有效期": "Exchange Rate Validity Period", "选择日期时间": "Select date and time", "请输入订单编号": "Please enter the order number", "查询": "Inquire", "发货人": "sender", "单价": "unit price", "确认添加": "Confirm Adjunction", "优惠信息确认": "Promotion Information Confirmation", "收款单号": "Bill Number", "优惠原因": "Reason for Discount", "优惠后": "After discount", "操作人": "Operator", "操作时间": "Operation time", "优惠金额不能为空": "The discount amount cannot be empty", "优惠原因不能为空": "The discount reason cannot be empty", "请添加未收客户款项": "Please add balance payment", "请添加收款账户": "Please add receiving account", "保存成功": "Saved Successfully", "请款单": "Requisition", "申请日期": "Application Date", "申请日期不能为空": "Application date cannot be empty", "选择申请日期": "Select application date", "供应商银行账号": "Supplier‘s Bank Account Number", "最后付款日期": "Last Payment Date", "最后付款日期不能为空": "The lastest payment date cannot be empty", "选择最后付款日期": "Select Lastest Payment Date", "选择结算方式": "Select payment Terms ", "费用信息": "Charge Information", "添加未付供应商款项": "Please add Vendor's unpaid payment", "发票号码": "Invoice number", "应付金额": "Amounts payable", "币种": "Currency", "价税合计(RMB)": "Total price and tax (RMB)", "账单号": "Bill Number", "请输入账单号": "Please enter the bill number", "发票": "Fapiao", "请选择是否开票": "Please choose whether to issue invoice or not", "未开票": "Unbilled", "已开票": "Invoiced", "请选择始发仓": "Please select the departure warehouse", "请选择目的仓": "Please select the destination warehouse", "价税合计大写": "Total price and tax uppercase", "请选择供应商未付款项": "Please choose Vendor's unpaid payment", "请选择供应商银行账号": "Please select supplier's bank account number", "开票": "issue Fapiao", "发票号码不能为空": "Fapiao number cannot be empty", "开票类型": "Fapiao Type", "开票类型不能为空": "Fapiao Type cannot be empty", "地址": "address", "优惠后金额": "Amount after discount", "税额": "Tax Amount", "价税合计": "Total price and tax", "操作成功": "Operated Successfully", "收款人": "Payee", "核销人": "Approved by", "开票人": "Issuer", "应付款": "Payable", "供应商名称": "Supplier's name", "请输入供应商名称": "Please enter the supplier name", "查找": "search", "新增请款单": "Add a requisition", "请款": "Please pay", "是否确认删除该应付款?": "Are you sure to delete this payable?", "付款单详情": "Bill Details", "账单号不能为空": "Bill number cannot be empty", "审核请款单": "Approval Requisition", "审核备注": "Review Remarks", "审核通过": " Approve", "审核驳回": " Reject", "付款单": "Receipt", "请输入收款单号": "Please enter the receipt number", "付款单号": "Payment Order Number", "请输入付款单号": "Please enter the payment slip number", "发票状态": "Fapiao Status", "最后付款时间": "Lastest Payment Time", "审核": "Audit", "反审核": "Anti-audit", "核销": "Write-off", "反核销": "Anti-write-off", "导出账单": "Export bill", "国内账单": "Domestic Bill", "待审核": "Pending Audit", "已审核待核销": "Approved and pending verification", "审批驳回": "Approval rejected", "已核销": "Written off", "是否确认删除该付款单?": "Are you sure to delete this bill?", "您确认要核销吗?": "Are you sure you want to write-off", "核销成功": "Verification successful", "您确认要反核销吗?": "Are you sure you want to cancel the verification?", "反核销成功": "Anti-verification write-off success", "您确认要反审核吗?": "Are you sure you want to cancel the review?", "反审核成功": "De-audit successful", "最后付款日": "Lastest Payment Date", "付款公司": "Payment Company", "银行户名": "Bank account name", "银行名称": "Bank name", "银行账号": "Bank Account", "发票号": "Fapiao number", "申请金额": "Application Amount", "合计(大写)": "Total (capital)", "合计付款": "Total Payment", "主管": "director", "会计": "Accounting", "出纳": "Cashier", "经手人": "Handler", "确订打印": "OK to print", "收款日期": "Payment Date", "应收合计": "Total Receivable", "收款金额": "Receipt Amount", "银行信息": "Bank information", "户名": "Account Name", "实收": "Collected", "收款单详情": "Receipt Details", "收款单编号": "Receipt Number", "手续费(RMB)": "Handling fee (RMB)", "需要": "need", "不需要": "unnecessary", "美元": "Dollar", "银行收款明细": "Bank Receipt Details", "批量核销": "Batch write-off", "添加收款明细": "Add Receipt Details", "收款账户": "Accounts receivable", "实收金额": "Amount received", "实收币种": "Paid Currency", "核销货币金额": "Currency Amount of Write-off", "兑核销基准金额": "Basic Amount for Verification and Write-off", "水单号": "Bank slip number", "水单附件": "bank slip Attachment", "待核销": "Pending write-off", "已核销实收总金额": "Total amount received after verification", "已核销基准币种总金额": "不确定", "全部核销": "All write-off", "剩余应收金额": "Balance Amount Receivable", "收款账户不能为空": "The receiving account cannot be empty", "实收日期不能为空": "Receipt date cannot be empty", "选择实收日期": "Select Received Date", "实收不能为空": "Receipt cannot be empty", "币种不能为空": "Currency cannot be empty", "兑核销基准币种汇率不能为空": "The exchange rate of the base currency for verification cannot be empty", "兑核销基准币种汇率": "Exchange rate against base currency for verification and write-off", "兑核销基准币种金额": "Amount in base currency for verification and write-off", "上传附件": "Upload Attachment", "水单号不能为空": "Bank slip number cannot be empty", "添加银行实收明细": "Add bank receipt details", "银行实收明细详情": "Bank receipt details", "编辑银行实收明细": "Edit bank receipt details", "是否确认删除该收款单?": "Are you sure to delete this receipt?", "请选择需要核销的收款明细!": "Please select the payment details that need to be written off!", "当前收款单未添加银行收款明细,无法全部核销,请添加银行收款单明细,并核销所有实收明细后再进行全部核销!": "The current collection slip cannot be fully written off due to lack of bank collection details, Please add the bank collection slip details, and write off all the actual receipt details before performing all write-off", "您确认要全部核销吗?": "Are you sure you want to write off all of them?", "上传中": "uploading", "上传失败": "upload failed", "确定移除?": "Are you sure to remove?", "待收款": "Payment Unreceived", "请输入唛头": "Please enter shipping mark", "收款": "Receipt", "收款单": "receipt", "商品名称": "product name", "请输入商品名称": "Please enter a product name", "收款类型": "Receipt Type", "创建日期": "Creation Date", "是否开票": "Need Fapaio or not", "咨询类型": "Consultation Type", "请选择咨询类型": "Please select the type of inquiry", "主键": "不确定", "姓名": "Name", "留言内容": "Message content", "咨询时间": "Consultation Time", "请输入姓名": "Please enter your name", "请输入留言内容": "Please enter the message content", "回复内容": "Reply content", "当前状态": "Current Status", "留言类型": "Message Type", "咨询": "consult", "建议": "suggestion", "内容": "content", "回复人": "Replier", "回复时间": "Response Time", "回复": "Reply", "关 闭": "closure", "添加留言": "Add message", "是否确认删除留言编号为": "Are you sure to delete the message number is", "是否确认导出所有留言数据项?": "Are you sure to export all message data", "预计入公海时间": "Estimated time to enter the open sea", "是否确认导出我的客户数据项?": "Are you sure to export my customer data items?", "我的客户列表": "My Customer List", "城市名称": "city name", "请输入城市名称": "Please enter a city name", "关键词": "Key words", "排序": "sort", "网点编号": "Branch number", "网点名称": "Name of branches", "网点地址": "Branches address", "未设置": "not set", "设置主管": "Set Supervisor", "用户名": "username", "手机号": "phone number", "最近操作": "Recent Operation", "设为主管": "Set as supervisor", "所在地区": "Location", "请选择大洲": "Please select a continent", "请选择省": "Please select a province", "请选择城市": "Please select city", "请输入排序": "Please enter the sort", "请输入网点编号": "Please enter the branch number", "请输入网点名称": "Please enter the branch name", "英文名称": "English name", "请输入英文名称": "Please enter English name", "副名称": "Subname", "请输入副名称": "Please enter a subname", "英文副名称": "English subname", "请输入英文副名称": "Please enter the subname in English", "请输入网点地址": "Please enter the branch address", "英文地址": "English address", "请输入英文地址": "Please enter the address in English", "网点属性": "Branch property", "服务内容": "Service Content", "网点详情": "Network details", "英文详情": "Details in English", "上班时间": "Working hours", "请输入上班时间": "Please enter working hours", "请选择国家/地区": "Please select a country/region", "请选择省市": "Please select a province and city", "排序不能为空": "Sorting cannot be empty", "网点编号不能为空": "Branch number cannot be empty", "网点名称不能为空": "Branch name cannot be empty", "英文名称不能为空": "English name cannot be empty", "副名称不能为空": "The subname cannot be empty", "英文副名称不能为空": "English subname cannot be empty", "网点地址不能为空": "Branch address cannot be empty", "英文地址不能为空": "English address cannot be empty", "网点详情不能为空": "Branch details cannot be empty", "英文详情不能为空": "Details in English cannot be empty", "上班时间不能为空": "Working hours cannot be empty", "请选择网点属性": "Please select the branch property", "请至少选择一个服务内容": "Please select at least one service content", "设置成功": " Setup succeeded", "设置失败": "Setup failed", "启用": "Enable", "停用": "Disabled", "确认要{action}编号为{id}的数据吗?": "Are you sure you want {action} number {id} data?", "成功": "success", "添加服务网点": "Add Branch", "修改服务网点": "Modify Branch", "是否确认删除服务网点编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose branch number is {id}?", "是否确认导出所有服务网点数据项?": "Are you sure to export all branches data items?", "捞取": "Pick up", "是否确认导出公海池客户数据项?": "Are you sure to export the customer date in open sea?", "公海池客户": "Open Sea Customer", "是否要捞取": "Do you want to pick up", "的客户": "customer of", "捞取成功!": "Pick up success!", "已取消捞取": "Don't pick up", "佣金规则申请": "Commission Rules Application", "线路": "Line", "从【{departureName}】发往【{objectiveName}】": "From [{departureName}] to [{objectiveName}]", "运费": "freight", "全包价": "All-in Price", "成本价": "Cost", "暗佣": "Hidden commission", "销售价": "sold price", "实际佣金返点": "Actual rate for commission", "取消审批": "Cancel Approval", "出货方式": "Shipping method", "报价单状态": "Quotation Status", "商品": "Product", "佣金规则": "Commission Rules", "从【{oldType}】改为【{newType}】": "Change from【{oldType}】to【{newType}】", "原全包价": "Original all-inclusive price", "原销售价": "Original Sold Price", "新全包价": "New All Inclusive Price", "新销售价": "New Sold Price", "明佣": "Commission", "原清关费": "Original clearance fee", "新清关费": "New Customs Clearance Fee", "从【{start}】发往【{dest}】": "From【{start}】to【{dest}】", "优惠申请": "Preferential Price Application", "是否预付": "Need Pre-paid or not?", "旧运费": "Old Shipping Price", "旧清关费": "Old Clearance Fee", "新运费": " New Shipping Price", "旧全包价": "Old All Inclusive Price", "报表跟进": "不确定", "跟进类型": "Follow-up type", "商务洽谈": "Business meetings", "跟进时间": "Follow-up time", "选择跟进时间": "Select follow-up time", "请选择跟进业务员": "Please select follow-up salesman", "请选择联系人": "Please select a contact", "跟进方式": "Follow-up method", "请选择跟进方式": "Please select a follow-up method", "客户反馈": "client feedback", "请输入客户反馈": "Please enter customer feedback", "请选择跟进类型": "Please select a follow-up type", "跟进时间不能为空": "Follow-up time cannot be empty", "客户反馈不能为空": "Customer feedback cannot be empty", "处理结果不能为空": "The processing result cannot be empty", "报价单详情": "Quotation Details", "特价": "Special Offer", "报价单所属": "Quotation belongs to", "发货人公司名称": "Shipper Company Name", "始发城市": "Departure City", "目的城市": "Destination City", "输单原因": "Reason for order failed", "中文品名": "Chinese Name", "英文品名": "English product name", "包装单位": "Packing Unit", "箱规": "Box Dimemsion", "数量": "quantity", "预付": "Prepaid", "到付": "Collect", "成交价": "Sold price", "费用小计": "Subtotal", "总件数": "total number", "总体积": "total capacity", "总重量": "total weight", "总数量": "The total amount", "总货值(RMB)": "Total value(RMB)", "预计费用": "approximate cost", "保价费": "Insurance Fee", "总运费": "Total Shipping", "总清关费": "Total clearance fee", "其他费用": "other fee", "原价": "Original Price", "优惠信息": "discount information", "有效期至": "Valid until", "永久有效": "Permanent", "优惠费用": "Preferential Fee", "通用信息": "General Information", "竞争对手": "Competitor", "重要程度": "Importance", "价格有效期": "Price Validity Period", "至": "to", "交货方式": "Delivery Method", "空运路线": "Aircargo", "海运路线": "Seacargo", "是否双清": "Double-clearance or not", "航空公司": "Airline", "清关证书": "Customs Clearance Certificate", "清关证书备注": "Remarks on Customs Clearance Certificate", "是否拆包": "repack or not", "单票立刻转运": "不确定", "注:若只有一件,货到仓库立即发,选“是”,多件需仓库集运待发,选“否”": "Note: If there is only one piece, the goods will be delivered immediately upon arrival at the warehouse, select \"Yes\", if multiple pieces need to be consolidated in the warehouse for delivery, select \"No\"", "特殊要求": "special requirements", "特殊要求备注": "Special Requirements Remarks", "是否确认删除报价单管理编号为": "Are you sure to delete the quotation management number is", "的数据项": "Data item", "新建报价单": "New Quotation", "编辑报价单": "Edit Quotation", "所属人": "Owner", "发件人": "Sender", "收件人": "Consignee", "订单类型": "Order Type", "集运服务": "Consolidation Service", "海外仓": "Overseas Warehouse", "发货人电话": "Sender's Phone NO.", "发货人公司": "Shipper Company", "收货人电话": "Consignee's Phone NO.", "收货人公司": " Consignee' company", "*发货人": "*sender", "发货人不能为空": "Sender cannot be empty", "收货人不能为空": "Consignee cannot be empty", "选择线路": "Select Line", "请在右侧选择线路": "Please select a line on the right", "请选择产品": "Please select a product", "总货值": "Total value", "货值不能为空": "Value cannot be empty", "未报价": "Unquoted", "商品链接": "Product link", "编辑商品链接": "Edit product link", "添加商品链接": "Add product link", "元": "Yuan", "通用": "General", "价格有效时间": "Price valid time", "交货地址": "Delivery Address", "请输入购买商品的快递单号": "Please enter the express tracking number of the purchased product", "保存草稿": "save draft", "确认报价": "Confirm Quotation", "唛头必须以字母开头": "Marks must start with a letter", "请选择线路": "Please select a line", "有效期开始时间不能为空": "Validity start time cannot be empty", "有效期结束时间不能为空": "Validity end time cannot be empty", "选择运输方式": "Select shipping method", "选择出货渠道": "Select Shipping Channel", "请选择所属人": "Please select the owner", "请选择重要程度": "Please select the importance level", "确定删除此条内容么?": "Are you sure to delete this content?", "请输入商品链接": "Please enter the product link", "请输入报价单号、订单号": "Please enter the quotation number and order number", "请输入客户": "Please enter customer's information", "请输入商品类型、品名或品牌": "Please enter product type, product name or brand", "预计销售额": "Estimated Sales", "恢复": "recover", "是否确认删除报价单管理编号为{offerId}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose quotation management number is {offerId}?", "是否确认导出所有报价单管理数据项?": "Are you sure to export all quotation management data items?", "跟进记录列表": "Follow up record list", "确定并新增草稿订单": "Confirm and add draft order", "赢单成功": "Win Order Successfully", "输单成功": "Failed order", "申请特价": "Apply for Special Offer", "包装": "Package", "选择订单": "Select Order", "未加入关联订单列表": "Not added to the associated order list", "货物数据": "Cargo Data", "加入关联": "Associate order", "批量加入关联": "Batch Processing Associated Order", "关联订单": "Associated Order", "已加入关联订单列表": "Added to the associated order list", "添加关联订单": "Add associated order", "调仓申请": "Application for warehouse adjustment", "已到箱数/总箱数": "Number of boxes arrived/total number of boxes", "下单统计": "Order List", "总箱数": "The total number of boxes", "调至": "Adjust to", "调仓明细": "warehouse adjustment details", "调仓编号": "warehouse adjustment number", "调出仓库": "Call out warehouse", "调入仓库": "Transfer to warehouse", "申请人": "Applicant", "申请时间": "application time", "申请中": "Applying", "已取消": "Cancelled", "已出仓": "Exited", "已到仓": "Arrived", "调仓申请提交成功,请耐心等待审核": "The rebalancing application has been submitted successfully, please wait patiently for review", "请输入审核调仓原因": "Please enter the reason for the audit adjustment", "取消调仓成功": "canceled adjustment successfully", "日期筛选": "Choose Date", "自有仓": "Own warehouse", "批量复核": "Batch review", "已放箱数": "Release Quantity of Boxes", "放货人": "Releaser", "控货状态": "Control Status", "放货中": "Releasing", "放货": "Release", "控货权转移": "Transference of goods ownership", "放货复核": "Release Review", "调货": "Transfer", "反复核": "Repeat check", "确定复核选中的订单么?": "Are you sure to review the selected order?", "控货订单": "on-hold order", "总控货数": "Total on-hold Quantity", "可放货箱数": "Availeble Quantity to release", "已放货箱数": " Released Quantity ", "放货详情": "Released order details", "控货箱数": "Released Quantity of carton", "放货箱数": "On-hold Quantity of carton", "审核详情": "Audit Details", "已核实放货信息,确认放货?": "The release information has been verified, confirm the release?", "确定取消这条放货么?": "Are you sure you want to cancel this release?", "确定取消此申请么?": "Are you sure to cancel this application?", "未找到审批ID": "Approval ID not found", "原运费": "Original Shipping Price", "重货优惠标准申请为:{new}kg/cbm,原重货标准:{old}kg/cbm": "The application for the discount standard for heavy goods is: {new}kg/cbm, the original standard for heavy goods: {old}kg/cbm", "泡货优惠标准申请为:{new}kg/cbm,原泡货标准:{old}kg/cbm": "The discount standard application for bubble goods is: {new}kg/cbm, the original bubble goods standard: {old}kg/cbm", "批量提货": "Batch Pickup", "全部提货": "Pick up all", "例:NA2200001L": "Example: NA2200001L", "注:单号之间使用逗号或空格隔开": "Note: Use commas or spaces to separate order numbers", "分批提货": "Pick up in batches", "请填写单号": "Please fill in the tracking number", "请选择时间": "Please select the time", "请填写订单号和提货时间": "Please fill in the order number and delivery time", "取消放货": "Cancel release", "总控货箱数": "Total on-hold Quantity", "取消放货原因": "Reason for Release Cancellation", "上传凭证": "upload certificate", "控货手机号": "Mobile phone number for on-hold order", "手机验证码": "Mobile phone verification code", "请选择取消放货类型": "Please select the type of release cancellation", "请填写验证码": "Please fill in the verification code", "改": "change", "原放货箱数": "Original Release Quantity", "现放货箱数": "New Release Quantity", "我同意": "I agree", "反复核原因": "不确定", "请选择反复核原因": "Please select the reason for repeated verification", "填单统计": "Statistics", "暂无数据": "No data", "合单日志": "Combination Log", "已撤销": "Revoked", "已提货": "Picked up", "撤销": "revoke", "提货箱数": "Pickup Quantity", "撤销人": "Cancelled by", "暂无提货日志": "No pick-up log yet", "提货日志": "Pickup log", "订单总金额": "The total amount of orders", "应付预付金额": "Prepaid Amount payable", "已核销预付金额": "written off Prepaid amount", "已核销预付金额占总金额比例": "written-off the Proportion of prepaid amount against total amount", "预付商品货值": " Value for Prepaid Item", "预付商品货值占总货值比例": "The proportion of prepaid goods'value againt total value", "预付商品方数": "Volume of Prepaid Item", "立方米": "cubic meter", "预付商品货值占订单总运费+清关费比例": "The proportion of prepaid amount against total freight and customs clearance fee", "订单总方数": "Total Volume of Order", "预付商品方数占总方数比例": "The proportion of prepaid goods'volume againt total volume", "加载中": "Loading", "起始标签": "Start label", "结束标签": "End tag", "去打印": "Go to print", "确定打印": "OK to print", "打印标签": "Print label", "结束标签不对": "Wrong end tag", "没有可打印的内容": "Nothing to print", "提货地点": "Pickup location", "尺寸": "size", "1.控货成功标准:入仓3天内收到我司控货短信视为控货成功;否则视为不控货,如未收到请在2个工作日内与我司联系。": "We will send you one ON HOLD message within 3 days after receiving your goods, it will deem to be ON HOLD Status, if not receiving messsage, kindly contact us within 2 working days.", "2.如需保价赔付需在入仓3天内告知。": "Please inform us to arrange VALUATION PREMIUM for you within 3 days since goods arrived us.", "打印入仓单": "Print Warehouse Receipt", "剩余放货箱数": "remaining cartons of goods in warehouse", "请填写放货信息": "Please fill the RELEASE information needed", "请输入收货人": "Please enter the name of consignee", "请输入收货人电话": "Please enter the phone number of consignee", "收货人邮箱": "Consignee 's email address", "请输入收货人邮箱": "Please enter the recipient's email address", "请输入控货手机号": "Please enter the phone number of ON HOLD verifiction", "请输入手机验证码": "Please enter the VERIFICATION CODE received by your phone", "确认放货": "Confirm to Release", "请填写收货人": "Please fill in the consignee", "发送验证码": "Send the verification code", "重新发送": "Resend", "发送成功": "Sent successfully", "原控货人": "Original consignor", "原控货手机号": "Original phone number of consignor", "新控货人": "New consignor name of ON HOLD goods", "新控货手机号": "New consignor phone number of ON HOLD goods", "新控货人邮箱": "New consignor email address", "确定转移": "Confirm to transfer", "请输入控货人": "Please enter ON HOLD consignor", "请输入控货人手机": "Please enter phone number of ON HOLD consignor", "验证码不能为空": "verification code must be filled", "选择控货订单": "Tick the ON HOLD order number", "请选择控货中的订单": "Tick the shipping order in currrent ON HOLD status", "从旧的【{orgValue}】改成新的【{newValue}】": "Change from the old [{orgValue}] to the new [{newValue}]", "旧值": "old value", "新值": "New Value", "发货人邮箱": "Sender Email", "收货人公司名称": "Consignee company name", "收货方式": "Receipt method", "收货地区": "Receipt area", "收货地址": "Shipping address", "付款人": "Payer", "物流信息": "Logistics Information", "基础信息": "basic information", "送货时间": "delivery time", "填单信息": "Form Filling Information", "个": "indivual", "仓库实测": "Warehouse Measurement", "收款数据": "payment data", "代收货款": "?", "集运仓库": "Consolidation Warehouse", "装柜地址": "address of container loading", "货物详情": "Cargo Details", "填单件数": "number of cartons", "入仓件数": "cartons we received", "多规格": "Multiple specifications", "单位": "Unit", "成交单价": "Amount to pay", "订单动态": "Shipment status", "暂无订单动态数据": "No shipping status", "运单资料/提货单": "Packing list/Airway bill", "查看入仓单": "View Warehouse Receipt", "查看提货单": "View packing list/airway bill", "费用明细": "Charge Details", "费用详情": "Fee Details", "默认单价(无牌无液无电)": "Ordinary Sea freight/cbm(no logo, no liquid, no battery)", "品牌加价": "Brand Markup", "液体加价": "Liquid Markup", "带电加价": "Live charge increase", "优惠活动减免": "Promotion reduction", "有品牌加价": "Brand markup", "中性品牌加价": "Neutral Brand Markup", "优惠后单价": "Unit price after discount", "编辑订单": "Edit Order", "添加货物": "Add goods", "批量添加货物": "Add goods in batches", "体积错误": "Volume error", "重量错误": "Weight error", "货值错误": "Incorrect value", "是否代收货款": "Whether to collect payment", "代收货款金额": "Collection Amount", "外部仓库": "External Warehouse", "装货时间": "Loading time", "装货地址": "Loading address", "预计送货日期": "Estimated Delivery Date", "收货详细地址": "Detailed delivery address", "生成单号": "Generate tracking number", "批量导入": "Batch Import", "上传装箱单": "Upload packing list", "开始导入": "Start Import", "点击上传": "Click to upload", "装箱单模板": "Packing list template", "请填写唛头": "Please fill in the shipping mark", "请选择始发城市": "Please select a departure city", "请选择目的城市": "Please select a destination city", "请选择路线": "Please select a route", "请选择预计送货日期": "Please select an estimated delivery date", "请填写详细地址": "Please fill in the detailed address", "收货地区填写不完整": "The receiving area is incomplete", "请选择代收货款": "Please select the payment to be collected", "代收货款不能为空": "Collection payment cannot be empty", "请选择入仓类型": "Please select the storage type", "请选择收货方式": "Please select the delivery method", "请选择开始日期": "Please select a start date", "到": "arrive", "请选择结束日期": "Please select an end date", "请选择跟进业务": "Please select follow-up business", "箱/": "cartons", "(木)": "Wooden pallet or case", "(箱)": "(box)", "(袋)": "(bag)", "(纸)": "(Paper)", "(垫)": "(pad)", "(空)": "(null)", "费用申请": "Fee Application", "添加申请": "Add application", "付款类型": "Payment Type", "确认收款": "Confirm payment", "未提交": "unsubmitted", "当前有申请费用为审核中或未提交,请审核后在申请": "The current application fee is under review or has not been submitted, please apply after review", "添加成功": "Added successfully", "当前有未提交的数据或审核中的数据不能修改": "Currently there is unsubmitted data or the data under review cannot be modified", "请输入取消原因": "Please enter a reason for cancellation", "请输入订单号、唛头、提单号": "Please enter the order number, shipping mark, and bill of lading number", "是否齐货": "goods complete to send out?", "备案属性": "nature of logo goods", "批量调仓": "Batch adjustment", "取消订单": "cancel order", "恢复订单": "Restore order", "特需": "Special needs", "关联": "Association", "互斥": "mutual exclusion", "确认提货": "confirm to pickup goods", "合单申请": "Application for Combined Order", "入仓操作": "Entry operation", "入仓补充": "Replenishment in Warehouse", "入仓修改": "Enter warehouse modification", "退仓": "Cancel this shipping order", "调仓": "revise departure warehouse", "取消调仓": "cancel to change departure warehouse", "调拨出仓": "?", "调拨到仓": "?", "打印提单": "Print packing list or airway bill", "是否确认导出所有订单数据项?": "Are you sure to export all order data items?", "确定删除此特需么?": "Confrim to delete special needs", "互斥订单": "Mutually exclusive order", "已加入互斥订单列表": "Added to exclusive order list", "添加互斥订单": "Add exclusive order", "未加入互斥订单列表": "Not added to exclusive order list", "加入互斥": "Join mutex", "批量加入互斥": "Batch join mutex", "问题详情": "unsolved issue", "处理人": "Processor", "已完成": "solved", "数据缺少orderItemId参数,确定要跳转设置路线价格么?": "The data lacks the orderItemId parameter, are you sure you want to jump to set the route price?", "产品名称": "product name", "产品英文名称": "Product English Name", "运输路线": "Transportation Route", "填单参数": "Form Filling Parameters", "箱 ": "box ", "代收金额": "Collected Amount", "入仓参数": "Entry parameters", "{num}箱 {volume}m³ {weight}kg {quantity}个": "{num}box {volume}m³ {weight}kg {quantity}", "无入仓数据": "No warehousing data", "详细内容": "details", "收费参数": "Charging parameters", "付款状态": "payment status", "中文名": "Chinese name", "英文名": "English name", "填单箱数": "Number of boxes to be filled", "入仓箱数": "Number of boxes", "报关资料": "Customs information", "送货费用": "Shipping Fee", "处理中": "Processing", "已处理": "Processed", "从": "from", "放货方式": "Delivery method", "签收时间": "Submission time", "已合单订单": "Consolidated order", "待合单订单": "Pending order", "合单申请正在审核中,你确定取消合单申请吗?": "The combined order application is under review, are you sure to cancel the combined order application?", "取消原因": "Reason for Cancellation", "请选择待合单的订单": "Please select the order to be combined", "去设置": "Go to settings", "管理折扣": "Manage Discounts", "填单货物属性": "Filling goods property", "入库货物属性": "Inbound Goods Properties", "暂时没有入库信息": "Temporarily no storage information", "申请重货优惠": "Apply discount of heavy goods", "申请泡货优惠": "Aplly discount of volume weight goods", "原重货标准": "Original heavy cargo standard", "现重货标准": "Currently heavy cargo standard", "原泡货标准": "Original foam standard", "现泡货标准": "Standard for instant delivery", "重货优惠申请": "Heavy Cargo Discount Application", "泡货优惠申请": "Application for instant discount", "异常无法拆单": "Unable to split order", "新建拆单": "New split order", "未填": "Unfilled", "暂时没有入仓信息": "Temporarily no warehousing information", "目的仓库": "Destination Warehouse", "请选择目的仓库": "Please select the destination warehouse", "剩余箱数": "Number of remaining boxes", "放入箱数": "Number of boxes", "放入数量": "Put Quantity", "备注信息": "Remarks", "拆单申请正在审核中,你确定取消拆单申请吗?": "The bill splitting application is under review, are you sure to cancel the bill splitting application?", "取消原因:": "Reason for Cancellation:", "入仓统计:": "Entry statistics:", "请先新建拆单": "Please create a new split order first", "申请成功": "Application successful", "是否确认删除新拆的订单吗?": "Are you sure to delete the newly opened order?", "新增订单生成成功": "New order generated successfully", "路线": "route", "商品列表": "Product List", "仓库地址": "Warehouse Address", "仓库电话": "Warehouse Phone", "您的订单已提交,谢谢您选择捷道物流!": "Your order has been submitted, thank you for using service of E&C logistics", "查看订单": "review shipping order", "入仓须知": "Instructions for Warehousing", "再来一单": "create a new shipping order", "查看须知": "View Instructions", "订单信息": "order information", "选择储位": "Select storage location", "调拨目标仓": "?", "物流公司": "Logistics company", "物流单号": "shipment number", "出仓日期": "departure date", "选择日期": "Select date", "到仓日期": "Arrival Date", "出仓影像": "Exit Image", "确认出仓": "Confirm Out Warehouse", "确认到仓": "Confirm Arrival", "转异": "Change", "订单转异": "change to exception order", "原因类型": "Reason Type", "详细信息": "details", "确认并完成入仓": "Confirm and Complete receive", "多": "many", "少": "few", "准确到齐": "Exactly", "调拨出仓成功!": "Successfully transferred out of warehouse!", "调拨到仓成功!": "Successfully transferred to warehouse!", "请输入取消调仓原因": "Please enter the reason for canceling the adjustment", "箱数不能为空": "The number of boxes cannot be empty", "货物长不能为空": "Cargo length cannot be empty", "货物宽不能为空": "Cargo width cannot be empty", "货物高不能为空": "Cargo height cannot be empty", "体积不能为空": "Volume cannot be empty", "重量不能为空": "Weight cannot be empty", "非填单货物信息": "Non-filling goods information", "无牌": "non logo goods", "有牌": "logo goods", "中性": "neutral", "暂无入仓信息": "No warehousing information", "少了": "not complete", "待入仓": "pending to arrive warehouse", "追加": "append", "入仓": "arrive warehouse", "标签箱号": "Tag box number", "修改箱号": "Modify box number", "特殊需求": "Special needs", "订单数据": "Order Data", "总方数": "Total squares", "请输入总方数": "Please enter the total number of squares", "请输入总重量": "Please enter the total weight", "入仓影像": "Incoming Image", "完成入仓": "Complete warehousing", "确认入仓": "Confirm Warehouse", "在完成入仓前,您还可以": "Before completing the deposit, you can also", "修改标签箱号成功": "Modify the label box number successfully", "有特需费用为0或未填写,请问是否继续?": "There is a special fee that is 0 or not filled in. Do you want to continue?", "注意": "Notice", "继续": "continue", "该订单已成功入仓,是否打印?": "The order has been successfully placed in the warehouse, do you want to print it?", "货物已入仓,存在异常": "The goods have been put into the warehouse, there is an exception", "货物已入仓": "The goods have been placed in the warehouse", "入仓成功": "Successful entry", "退仓后不可恢复,是否确认退仓?": "Cannot be restored after withdrawal, confirm withdrawal?", "确定要退仓?": "Are you sure you want to withdraw?", "货物退仓成功!": "Goods returned successfully!", "填单货物信息": "Fill in the goods information", "重货方数": "heavy goods CBM", "泡货方数": "Volume goods CBM", "重货重量": "Heavy goods weight", "泡货重量": "Voulem weight", "设为普货": "change to normal goods", "设为已处理": "Set as Processed", "下单统计:": "Order statistics: ", " 箱 ": " box ", "申请退仓": "Apply for withdrawal", "退仓原因": "Reason for withdrawal", "确定退仓": "Confirm withdrawal", "不,再考虑考虑": "No, think about it again", "退仓成功": "Exit successful", "请输入取消审核原因": "Please enter the reason for canceling the approve", "提货点名称": "pickup warehouse", "请输入名称": "Please enter a name", "地区": "area", "请选择地区": "please select the region", "请输入国家": "Please enter a country", "名称": "name", "工作时间": "working hour", "请输入工作时间": "Please enter working hours", "提货点地址": "Address of pick-up point", "请输入提货点地址": "Please select a pickup warehouse", "提货点信息": "Contacts of pickup warehouse", "请输入提货点信息": "Please enter the pick-up point information", "英文提货点信息": "English pick-up point information", "请输入提货点英文信息": "Please enter the English information of the pick-up point", "地区不能为空": "Region cannot be empty", "名称不能为空": "Process name cannot be empty", "添加自提点": "Add pickup address", "修改自提点": "Modify self-report point", "确认要{action} {title} 吗?": "Are you sure you want {action} {title}?", "是否确认删除自提点编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose self-collection point number is {id}?", "是否确认导出所有自提点数据项?": "Are you sure to export all self-collection point data items?", "商品编码": "Product code", "请输入商品编码": "Please enter the product code", "海关编码": "H.S CODE", "请输入海关编码": "Please enter the customs code", "商品属性": "Commodity Attributes", "选择商品类型": "Select product type", "选择商品特性": "Select Product Features", "审核状态": "under review", "选择审核状态": "Select Review Status", "上架状态": "Status on Shelf", "选择上架状态": "Select Shelf Status", "批量设置商品属性": "Set product attributes in batches", "商品编号": "Product Number", "商品图片": "product picture", "是否审核": "Whether to review", "路线价格": "Route Price", "请上传图片": "Please upload a picture", "商品材质": "product quality", "选择商品材质": "Select Product Material", "出运要求": "Shipping Requirements", "证书要求": "Certificate Required", "支持多证书": "Support multiple certificates", "包装要求": "Packaging Requirements", "选择包装要求": "Select Packaging Requirements", "默认货柜位置": "Default Container Location", "选择货柜位置": "Select container location", "订单方数上限": "Maximum number of order parties", "是否预约入仓": "Whether to make an appointment to enter the warehouse", "每日入仓上限": "Daily entry limit", "商品类型不能为空": "Product type cannot be empty", "商品特性不能为空": "Commodity characteristics cannot be empty", "中文标题不能为空": "Chinese title cannot be empty", "英文标题不能为空": "English title cannot be empty", "商品材质不能为空": "Product material cannot be empty", "添加商品": "Adding goods", "修改商品": "Modify product", "是否确认删除商品编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose item number is {id}?", "是否确认导出所有商品数据项?": "Are you sure to export all product data items?", "文件格式错误,请上传图片类型,如:JPG,PNG后缀的文件。": "The file format is wrong, please upload the image type, such as: JPG, PNG file extension.", "货柜位置": "Container Location", "证书要求(支持多证书)": "Certificate Requirements (Multiple Certificates Supported)", "请选择商品或勾选全部": "Please select a product or tick all", "请输入关键字": "Please enter key words", "属性名称": "Property Name", "属性代码": "Property Code", "请输入属性名称": "Please enter a property name", "属性英文名": "Attribute English name", "请输入属性英文名": "Please enter the English name of the attribute", "请输入属性代码": "Please enter the attribute code", "属性名称不能为空": "Property name cannot be empty", "属性代码不能为空": "Property code cannot be empty", "添加产品属性": "Add Product Attribute", "修改产品属性": "Modify product attributes", "确定要启用此数据么?": "Are you sure you want to enable this data?", "确定要停用此数据么?": "Are you sure you want to deactivate this data?", "是否确认删除产品属性编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose product attribute number is {id}?", "是否确认导出所有产品属性数据项?": "Are you sure to export all product attribute data items?", "未授权客户": "Unauthorized Client", "统一收费标准": "Uniform fee standard", "针对客户收费标准": "Charging standard for customers", "针对所有未授权客户的收费模式": "Charging mode for all unauthorized customers", "确定修改": "Confirm Modification", "请填入关键字": "Please fill in the keyword", "客户号码": "Customer Number", "收费类型": "Charge Type", "有牌价": "With price", "中性价": "Neutral price", "添加授权": "Add Authorization", "修改收费": "Modify Fee", "已授权客户": "Authorized Client", "授权时间": "Authorization Time", "授权类型": "Authorization Type", "收费模式": "Charging Mode", "修改单个客户收费模式": "Modify single customer charging mode", "确认删除该用户的授权": "Confirm to delete the authorization of this user", "撤销授权成功": "Authorization revoked successfully", "已取消删除": "Undeleted", "价格设置": "Price Setting", "阶梯价格": "Ladder price", "单价模式": "Unit Price Mode", "第{index}阶梯定价方案": "The {index} Tier Pricing Scheme", "添加区间": "Add interval", "默认运费": "Default Shipping", "整数或者两位小数": "Integer or two decimal places", "默认清关费": "Default clearance fee", "默认全包价": "Default all-inclusive price", "最小起计量": "Minimum measure", "确认提交": "confirm submission", "返回上一页": "return to previous page", "请选择需要修改的路线": "Please select the route to be modified", "空运渠道": "Air Freight Channel", "黑名单": "Blacklist", "海运费": "shipping fee", "加入黑名单": "add to blacklist", "移除黑名单": "Remove Blacklist", "下架": "Removal", "上架": "Store", "选择产品类型": "Select Product Type", "已审核": "Audited", "已下架": "Removed", "form": "form", "请求成功": "Request successful", "是否确认删除产品价格编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose product price number is {id}?", "是否确认导出所有产品价格数据项?": "Are you sure to export all product price data items?", "数据异常,缺少warehouseLineDO字段": "Data exception, missing warehouseLineDO field", "【{transport}】从【{from}】发往【{to}】": "【{transport}】From【{from}】to 【{to}】", "阶梯定价": "Ladder pricing", "均可": "All", "最新修改时间": "Last Modified Time", "最新修改人": "Latest modified by", "查看价格日志": "View Price Log", "海运费不能为空": "Sea freight cannot be empty", "清关费不能为空": "Customs clearance fee cannot be empty", "是否预付不能为空": "Whether prepaid cannot be empty", "运费/全包价不能为0": "Freight/all-inclusive price cannot be 0", "阶梯价格设置不能留空": "The ladder price setting cannot be left blank", "路线价格列表": "Route Price List", "请输入中英文名称、商品编码、海关编码": "Please enter the Chinese and English name, commodity code, customs code", "未设置价格": "Price not set", "新建价格": "New Price", "批量设置价格": "Batch setting price", "批量加入黑名单": "Add to blacklist in batches", "批量下架": "Batch removal", "批量设置单个商品的路线": "Set the route of a single product in batches", "无productDO字段": "No productDO field", "第{no}阶梯({start}~{end}{weightUnit})": "{no} step ({start}~{end}{weightUnit})", "最后修改时间": "Last Modified", "产品类型不能为空": "Product type cannot be empty", "产品名称不能为空": "Product name cannot be empty", "货柜位置不能为空": "Container location cannot be empty", "方数不能为空": "The square number cannot be empty", "预约入仓不能为空": "Reservation storage cannot be empty", "已上架": "It has been added to", "是否确认导出所有数据项?": "Are you sure to export all data items?", "每个客户占用货架超过盘点": "Each customer occupies more shelves than inventory", "每个客户占用货架区域超过盘点": "Each customer occupies more shelf area than inventory", "入库超时预警": "Storage Overtime Warning", "超过": "Exceed", "天": "sky", "自动预警": "Auto Alert", "上架超时预警": "Shelf timeout warning", "在仓超时预警": "In-warehouse overtime warning", "打包超时预警": "Package timeout warning", "待出库超时预警": "Waiting for outbound timeout warning", "仓租费类型": "Warehouse Rental Fee Type", "仓租费设置": "Warehouse rental fee setting", "公司全称": "full name of company", "请输入公司全称": "Please enter the full name of the company", "请输入公司英文名": "Please enter the English name of the company", "合作开始时间": "Cooperation start time", "合作结束时间": "Cooperation end time", "公司电话": "company phone", "请输入公司电话": "Please enter your company phone number", "邮件地址": "Email address", "请输入邮箱地址": "Please input the email address", "公司地址": "company address", "请输入详细地址": "Please enter detailed address", "供应商类别": "Supplier Category", "合作类型": "Cooperation Type", "营业执照": "business license", "合同": "contract", "统一信用代码": "Unified Credit Code", "请输入统一社会信用代码": "Please enter a unified social credit code", "联系人名称不能为空": "Contact name cannot be empty", "电话": "Telephone", "联系人电话不能为空": "Contact phone number cannot be empty", "账户名称": "account name", "银行账户名称不能为空": "Bank account name cannot be empty", "币别": "Currency", "币别不能为空": "Currency cannot be empty", "银行名称不能为空": "Bank name cannot be empty", "银行账户": "Bank accounts", "银行账户不能为空": "Bank account cannot be empty", "银行代码": "Bank Code", "账户类型": "account type", "银行地址": "Bank address", "请至少选择一个供应商类别": "Please select at least one supplier category", "请选择合作类型": "Please select the type of cooperation", "确定删除此联系人么?": "Are you sure to delete this contact?", "请输入密码": "Please enter a password", "密码不能为空": "password can not be blank", "密码错误": "wrong password", "确定删除此银行信息么?": "Are you sure to delete this bank information?", "请添加银行信息": "Please add bank information", "请添加联系人信息": "Please add contact information", "名称/代码": "Name/Code", "供应商代码": "Vendor Code", "公司名称不能为空": "Company name cannot be empty", "供应商类别不能为空": "Supplier category cannot be empty", "合作类型不能为空": "Cooperation type cannot be empty", "是否确认删除供应商编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item whose supplier number is {id}?", "是否确认导出所有供应商数据项?": "Are you sure to export all supplier data items?", "服务网点": "Service Branches", "所属网点": "Branch Ascription", "请输入仓库编号/名称": "Please enter warehouse code/name", "批量设置提单模板": "Batch setting bill of lading template", "仓库编号": "Warehouse Number", "仓库名称": "warehouse name", "贸易属性": "Trade Attribute", "仓库容量": "Warehouse Capacity", "相关始发港": "Related Port of Origin", "相关目的港": "Related Destination Port", "绑定部门": "Bind department", "路线服务": "Route Service", "设置路线提单模板": "Set route bill of lading template", "开通服务": "Subscribe service", "部门名称": "Department name", "请选择所属网点": "Please select your belonging branch", "请输入仓库编号": "Please enter the warehouse number", "仓库简码": "Warehouse abbreviation code", "请输入仓库简码": "Please enter warehouse abbreviation code", "请输入仓库名称": "Please enter the warehouse name", "请输入负责人": "Please enter the person in charge", "请输入联系电话": "Please enter your phone number", "请输入容量": "Please enter capacity", "请输入仓库地址": "Please enter the warehouse address", "上传图片": "upload image", "设置服务": "Setting Service", "{startName}到{destName}": "{startName} to {destName}", "始发港服务": "Departure Port Service", "目的港服务": "Destination Port Service", "货柜前缀": "Container Prefix", "请输入货柜前缀": "Please enter container prefix", "抬头": "Shipper Title", "账户详情": "Account Details", "添加账户": "Add account", "条款": "Terms", "数量(个)是否必填": "Whether the quantity (PCS) required?", "非控货订单代收货款": "Payment collection for non-onhold order", "送货上门": "To door service", "提货异常": "Pickup exception", "公司": "Company name", "服务网点不能为空": "Service branch cannot be empty", "仓库编号不能为空": "Warehouse number cannot be empty", "仓库名称不能为空": "Warehouse name cannot be empty", "负责人不能为空": "The person in charge cannot be empty", "联系电话不能为空": "contact number can not be blank", "容量不能为空": "The capacity cannot be empty", "仓库地址不能为空": "Warehouse address cannot be empty", "修改仓库": "Modify Warehouse", "设置路线提单模板成功": "Set route bill of lading template successfully", "是否确认删除仓库编号为{id}的数据项?": "Whether delete the data item with warehouse number {id}?", "是否确认导出所有仓库数据项?": "Whether export all warehouse data items?", "请先选择部门": "Please select a department first", "绑定成功": "Bind successfully", "新增库域": "Add library domain", "代码": "Code", "库域": "Library Domain", "库区": "Library area", "添加库区": "Add library area", "查看储位": "View storage location", "上级库域": "Superior library domain", "请输入代码": "Please enter the code", "添加库区库域": "Add library domain", "修改库区库域": "Modify library domain", "是否确认删除库区库域编号为{id}的数据项?": "Whether delete the data item with warehouse area number {id}?", "是否确认导出所有库区库域数据项?": "Whether export all warehouse domain data items?", "储位代码": "Storage code", "请输入储位代码": "Please enter the storage code", "新增储位": "Add Storage", "货架": "Shelf", "添加储位": "Add Storage", "上级货架": "Upper Shelf", "请输储位代码": "Please enter the storage code", "显示": "Display", "储位代码不能为空": "Storage code cannot be empty", "仓库不能为空": "Warehouse cannot be empty", "库域不能为空": "Library field cannot be empty", "库区不能为空": "Library area cannot be empty", "货架不能为空": "Shelf cannot be empty", "显示不能为空": "Display cannot be empty", "不显示": "Do not display", "修改储位": "Modify Storage", "是否确认删除储位编号为{id}的数据项?": "Whether delete the data item with storage location number {id}?", "是否确认导出所有储位数据项?": "Whether export all storage data items?", "搜索昵称、姓名、手机、Email": "Search Nickname, Name, Phone, Email", "成交": "Deal", "认证": "Authentication", "营业执照认证": "Business License Certification", "身份证认证": "ID card authentication", "双认证": "Dual Certification", "导 出": "Export", "用户昵称": "User's Nickname", "真实姓名": "Legal name", "非成交": "Non-transaction", "营业执照审核状态": "Business License examine status", "保函/证书": "Letter of Guarantee/Certificate", "操作日志": "Operation Log", "身份证": "ID card", "删 除": "delete", "可上传图片,pdf文档": "Upload pictures, pdf documents", "保 存": "Save", "标题": "Title", "操作内容": "Operation content", "操作ip": "operation ip", "证件类型": "type of certificate", "证件号码": "Certificate number", "证件正面照": "Front photo of certificate", "证件背面照": "Back photo of certificate", "审核时间": "Examine period", "审核不通过": "Examine failed", "修 改": "Revise", "上 传": "Upload", "企业名称": "Company Name", "企业法人": "Juridical person", "证件照": "Certificate photo", "用户昵称不能为空": "User nickname cannot be empty", "证件类型不能为空": "Certificate type cannot be empty", "证件号码不能为空": "Certificate number cannot be empty", "身份正面照不能为空": "Identity card photo cannot be empty", "企业名称不能为空": "Enterprise name cannot be empty", "企业法人不能为空": "Enterprise Juridical person cannot be empty", "证件照不能为空": "Certificate photo cannot be empty", "删除失败": "failed to delete", "是否确认导出所有用户数据项?": "Export all user data items?", "注册会员": "registered member", "确认要": "Requirement of confirmation", "身份": "identity", "营业": "Business", "添加成功!": "Added successfully!", "提交审核时间": "Examine submission period", "身份证审核": "ID card review", "待审核会员": "Pending examine member", "是否确认删除昵称为{nickname}的会员?": "Whther delete the member whose nickname is {nickname}?", "取消删除": "Undelete", "重货标准(CBM)": "Heavy cargo standard (CBM)", "WEB端图片": "WEB image", "APP端图片": "APP image", "WEB端广告图片(建议尺寸": "WEB advertising image (recommended size", "请上传WEB端广告图片": "Please upload the advertisement picture on the WEB side", "APP端广告图片(建议尺寸": "Advertising image on APP (recommended size", "请上传APP端广告图片": "Please upload the APP side advertisement image", "web端广告图片不能为空": "The web advertisement image cannot be empty", "app端广告图片不能为空": "App image cannot be empty", "禁用": "Disabled", "添加广告设置": "Add Ad Settings", "修改广告设置": "Edit Ad Settings", "是否确认删除广告设置编号为": "Whether delete the advertisement setting number", "是否确认导出所有广告设置数据项?": "Whether export all ad settings data items?", "有效期开始时间": "Validity Start Time", "请输入有效期开始时间": "Please enter the validity period start time", "有效期结束时间": "Validity End Time", "请输入有效期结束时间": "Please enter the expiration date", "弹窗标题": "Popup window title", "弹窗时间": "Popup time", "网页中文": "Webpage Chinese", "网页英文": "Webpage English", "开始时间不能大于结束时间": "Start time cannot be greater than end time", "结束时间不能小于开始时间": "End time cannot be less than start time", "添加广告弹窗": "Add Ad Popup", "修改广告弹窗": "Modify Ad Popup", "是否确认删除广告弹窗编号为": "Whether delete the advertisement pop-up number as", "是否确认导出所有广告弹窗数据项?": "Whether confirm to export all pop-up window data items?", "已核销比例\\\\n(已核销基准币种总金额/应收总金额)": "Written-off ratio\\\\n(total amount of base currency written off/total amount receivable)", "是否要删除昵称为": "Whether confirm? to delete the nickname as", "的会员": "Members", "请输入标题中文": "Please enter the title in Chinese", "请输入标题英文": "Please enter the title in English", "内容中文": "Content Chinese", "内容英语": "Content English", "添加帮助文档": "Add assistance document", "修改帮助文档": "Modify assistance document", "是否确认删除帮助文档编号为": "Whether delete the assistance document number?", "是否确认导出所有帮助文档数据项?": "Whether export all assistance document data items?", "请输入内容中文": "Please enter the content in Chinese", "请输入内容英语": "Please enter the content in English", "添加对内帮助文档": "Add internal assistance document", "修改对内帮助文档": "Modify internal assistance document", "是否确认删除对内帮助文档编号为": "Whether delete the internal assistance document number?", "是否确认导出所有对内帮助文档数据项?": "Whether export all internal assistance document data items?", "须知类型": "Notice Type", "请选择须知类型": "Please select notice type", "添加须知": "Add notice", "修改须知": "Modify notice", "是否确认删除须知编号为": "Whether delete the note number as", "是否确认导出所有须知数据项?": "Whether export all required data items?", "公告标题": "Announcement title", "请输入公告标题": "Please enter the title of the announcement", "操作人员": "operator", "请输入操作人员": "Please enter the operator", "公告类型": "Announcement Type", "有效日期": "Valid date", "创建者": "creator", "内容英文": "English Contant", "公告标题不能为空": "Announcement title cannot be empty", "公告类型不能为空": "Announcement type cannot be empty", "添加公告": "Add Announcement", "修改公告": "Modify Announcement", "是否确认删除公告编号为": "Whether delete the announcement number as", "中文名称": "Chinese name", "港口类型": "Port Type", "省": "Province", "城市": "city", "码头编号": "Dock Number", "码头类型": "Dock Type", "请输入中文名称": "Please enter the Chinese name", "请输入码头编号": "Please enter the dock number", "请输入码头类型": "Please enter the dock type", "中文名称不能为空": "Chinese name cannot be empty", "添加码头信息": "Add dock information", "修改码头信息": "Modify dock information", "是否确认删除码头信息编号为": "Whether delete the terminal information number as", "是否确认导出所有码头信息数据项?": "Whether export all dock information data items?", "快递公司名称": "Express company name", "请输入快递公司名称": "Please enter the express company name", "请输入账户名称": "Please enter account name", "查件key": "Check key", "请输入查件key": "Please enter the check key", "查询url": "query url", "请输入查询url": "Please enter the query url", "快递公司名称不能为空": "Express company name cannot be empty", "添加配送管理": "Add Shipping Management", "修改配送管理": "Modify Shipping Management", "是否确认删除配送管理编号为": "Whether delete the delivery management number as", "是否确认导出所有配送管理数据项?": "Whether export all shipping management data items?", "应收可能出现多个币种的情况,多个币种没法计算整个收款单的核销比例,所以增加一个中间币种,如果应收只有一个币种就使用应收币种,如果有多个币种就以美元为核销基准币种: 应收可能出现多个币种的情况,多个币种没法计算整个收款单的核销比例,所以增加一个中间币种,如果应收只有一个币种就使用应收币种,如果有多个币种就以美元为核销基准币种,": "There may be multiple currencies in receivables. Multiple currencies cannot calculate the write-off ratio of the entire collection note, so add an intermediate currency. If there is only one currency in receivables, use the receivable currency. If If there are multiple currencies, US dollars will be used as the base currency for write-off: There may be multiple currencies in receivables, and multiple currencies cannot calculate the write-off ratio of the entire receipt, so add an intermediate currency , if the receivable has only one currency, use the receivable currency, and if there are multiple currencies, use the US dollar as the write-off base currency,", "实收币种与核销基准币种一样时,无需填写汇率,不一样需要填写汇率: 实收币种与核销基准币种一样时,无需填写汇率,不一样需要填写汇率,": "When the currency actually received is the same as the base currency for verification, you do not need to fill in the exchange rate. If it is different, you need to fill in the exchange rate.", "Incompatible receiver, ": "Incompatible receiver", "最高分值": "Maximum Score", "请输入最高分值": "Please enter the highest score", "最低分值": "Minimum Score", "请输入最低分值": "Please enter a minimum score", "最大分值不能为空": "Maximum score cannot be empty", "最小分值不能为空": "Minimum score cannot be empty", "添加信用等级": "Add credit rating", "修改信用等级": "Modify credit rating", "是否确认删除信用等级编号为": "Whether delete the credit rating number as", "是否确认导出所有信用等级数据项?": "Whether export all credit rating data items?", "请输入规则名称": "Please enter a rule name", "请选择规则分类": "Please select a rule category", "请输入规则得分": "Please enter rule score", "规则名称不能为空": "Rule name cannot be empty", "规则分类不能为空": "Rule classification cannot be empty", "规则得分不能为空": "Rule score cannot be empty", "添加信用规则": "Add credit rule", "修改信用规则": "Modify Credit Rules", "是否确认删除信用规则编号为": "Whether delete the credit rule number as", "是否确认导出所有信用规则数据项?": "Whether export all credit rule data items?", "添加客户等级": "Add customer grade", "修改客户等级": "Modify customer grade", "是否确认删除客户等级编号为": "Whether delete the customer grade number as", "是否确认导出所有客户等级数据项?": "Whether export all customer? grade data items?", "添加客户等级规则": "Add customer grade rule", "修改客户等级规则": "Modify customer grade rules", "是否确认删除客户等级规则编号为": "Whether delete the customer grade rule number?", "是否确认导出所有客户等级规则数据项?": "Whether export all customer level grade data items?", "应核销总金额": "Total amount to be written off", "导出账单给客户时显示的收款金额与币种": "Receipt amount and currency displayed when exporting bills to customers", "实收已核销总金额": "Total amount received and written off", "所有银行收款明细中状态为已核销的实收金额,币种根据实收币种分类统计": "The paid-in amount whose status is written off in all bank receipt details, and the currency is classified and counted according to the received currency", "核销基准币种已核销总金额": "Total amount written off in base currency", "为了方便统计收款单核销比例,将所有银行收款明细中状态为已核销的实收金额,转换为核销基准币种的金额累加": "In order to facilitate the statistics of the write-off ratio of receipts, the actual received amount in the status of write-off in all bank receipt details is converted into the amount of write-off base currency", "总核销比例": "Total write-off ratio", "总核销比例=核销基准币种已核销总金额/核销基准币种应收总金额": "Total write-off ratio = total written-off amount in base currency after write-off/total receivable amount in base currency after write-off", "身份证审核状态": "ID card verification status", "延迟时间": "delay", "请输入 小": "Please enter small", "请输入 大": "Please enter large", "已实装箱数/总箱数": "Number of boxes already loaded/total number of boxes", "下单统计:{orderSum} 箱 {orderV} m³ {orderW} kg 入仓统计:{leviteSum} 箱 {leviteV} m³ {leviteW} kg": "Order Statistics:{orderSum} box {orderV} m³ {orderW} kg Warehouse statistics:{leviteSum} box {leviteV} m³ {leviteW} kg", "混合报关": "Mixed customs declaration", "VGM声明": "VGM Statement", "请输入VGM重量": "Please enter VGM weight", "您确认提交全部退场审核吗?": "Whether submit all exit reviews?", "您确认提交部分退场审核吗?": "Whether submit partial exit review?", "请输入费用": "Please enter the fee", "未审核": "Unapproved", "提单号M/BL NO.": "B/L No. M/BL NO.", "毛重(KGS)": "Gross weight (KGS)", "立方数(CBM)": "Cubic Meter(CBM)", "选取文件": "Select File", "查看提单 {selfNo} 柜号:{cubNo} 柜型:{cabinetLabel}": "Check Bill of Lading {selfNo} Container No.: {cubNo} Container type: {cabinetLabel}", "剩余数量(个)": "Remaining quantity (piece)", "放入数量(个)": "Quantity received (piece)", "应收可能出现多个币种的情况,多个币种没法计算整个收款单的核销比例,所以增加一个中间币种,如果应收只有一个币种就使用应收币种,如果有多个币种就以美元为核销基准币种": "There may be multiple currencies in A/R, and the write off proportion of the entire collection document in multiple currencies can't be caculated. Therefore, an intermediate currency is added. If there is only one currency in A/R, the A/R currency is used. If there are multiple currencies, the US dollar is used as the write off benchmark currency.", "实收币种与核销基准币种一样时,无需填写汇率,不一样需要填写汇率": "When the paid in currency is the same as the write off benchmark currency, the exchange rate is not required", "历史放货记录": "Goods release histroy", "提货数量": "Pick-up quantity", "放货件数": "Number of release pieces", "放货修改": "Release modification", "查看提单": "View Bill of Lading", "获取验证码": "Get verification code", "保存协议": "Save Agreement", "不能超过剩余箱数": "Cannot exceed the number of remaining cartons", "秒": "second", "请选择付款类型": "Please select a payment type", "申请信息【订单信息】": "Application information 【 Order information 】", "申请说明": "Application description", "删除入仓": "Delete warehousing", "区域": "Area", "仓位": "Position", "提 交": "Submit", "自定义": "Customize", "价格更新时间": "Price update time", "有无单证": "Whether there are documents", "缺货箱数": "Number of out of stock containers", "商品分类": "Commodity classification", "确定要取消此订单么?": "Whether cancel this order?", "确定要恢复此订单么?": "Whether restore this order?", "确定要删除此订单么?": "Whether delete this order?", "【": "【", "】": "】", "合计:": "total:", "需要仓库打包": "Warehouse packaging required", "明佣佣金": "Plain commission", "运费不能为空": "Freight cannot be empty", "、": "、", "可修改": "Modifiable", "是否备案": "Put on recorded or not", "箱数:": "Number of cartons", "体积:": "Volume:", "重量:": "Weight:", "请选择入仓时间": "Please select the warehousing time", "添加新品名": "Add new product name", "非填单货物": "Non filled goods", "数量不能为空": "Quantity cannot be empty", "无备案": "Non recorded", "有备案": "Recorded", "无牌价": "Non-branded price", "中性品牌价": "Neutral brand price", "已过期": "Expired", "选择生成类型": "Select create type", "输入型组件": "Input type components", "选择型组件": "Optional components", "布局型组件": "Layout type components", "表单名不能为空": "The form name cannot be empty", "开启状态不能为空": "The opening status cannot be empty", "代码已复制到剪切板,可粘贴。": "The code has been copied to the clipboard and can be pasted.", "组名": "Group Name", "请输入组名": "Please enter the group name", "描述": "Description", "成员": "member", "请输入描述": "Please enter a description", "请选择成员": "Please select a member", "组名不能为空": "Group name cannot be empty", "描述不能为空": "Description cannot be empty", "成员不能为空": "Member cannot be empty", "状态不能为空": "Status cannot be empty", "添加用户组": "Add User Group", "修改用户组": "Modify User Group", "流程标识": "Process ID", "请输入流程标识": "Please enter the process ID", "请输入流程名称": "Please enter the process name", "新建流程": "New Process", "导入流程": "Import Process", "最新部署的流程定义": "Newly deployed process definition", "激活状态": "Active state", "修改流程": "Modify Process", "设计流程": "Design process", "发布流程": "Publishing process", "流程定义": "Process definition", "请输入流标标识": "Please enter the flow ID", "新建后,流程标识不可修改!": "Process ID cannot be modified after created!", "流程标识不可修改!": "Process ID cannot be modified!", "表单类型": "form types ", "表单提交路由": "Form submission route", "请输入表单提交路由": "Please enter the form submission route", "表单查看路由": "Form View Route", "请输入表单查看路由": "Please enter the form to view the route", "将文件拖到此处,或": "Drop files here, or", "流程标识不能为空": "Process ID cannot be empty", "流程名称不能为空": "Process name cannot be empty", "业务表单不能为空": "Business form cannot be empty", "流程分类不能为空": "Process classification cannot be empty", "表单提交路由不能为空": "Form submission route cannot be empty", "表单查看路由不能为空": "Form viewing route cannot be empty", "新建模型": "New Model", "修改模型": "Modify Model", "另外,每次流程修改后,都需要点击【发布流程】按钮,才能正式生效!!!": "In addition, after each process amendment, the release process button will need to be clicked to take effect officially!", "重要提示": "Important Tips", "开始时间": "start time", "请假类型": "Leave Type", "原因": "reason", "请输入原因": "Please enter the reason", "开始时间不能为空": "Start time cannot be empty", "结束时间不能为空": "End time cannot be empty", "请假类型不能为空": "Leave type cannot be empty", "请假原因不能为空": "Leave reason cannot be blank", "开始时间:": "Start time:", "结束时间:": "End time:", "请假类型:": "Leave type:", "原因:": "reason:", "请选择请假类型": "Please select leave type", "发起请假": "Initiate leave application", "申请编号": "Application No", "取消请假": "Cancel leave", "审批进度": "Approval progress", "委派": "designate", "退回": "return", "转派审批人": "Transferred approver", "审批建议不能为空": "Approval suggestion cannot be empty", "新审批人不能为空": "New approver cannot be blank", "缺少字段": "Missing field", "任务分配规则": "Task Assignment Rules", "任务名": "Task Name", "任务标识": "Task ID", "规则类型": "Rule Type", "规则范围": "Regulation Domain", "修改任务规则": "Modify Task Rules", "指定角色": "Assign Roles", "指定部门": "Designated department", "请选择指定部门": "Please select the specified department", "指定岗位": "Designated Position", "指定用户": "Specify User", "指定用户组": "Specify user groups", "指定脚本": "assign a script", "规则类型不能为空": "Rule type cannot be empty", "指定角色不能为空": "Specified role cannot be empty", "指定部门不能为空": "Specified department cannot be empty", "指定岗位不能为空": "Specified position cannot be empty", "指定用户不能为空": "Specified user cannot be empty", "指定用户组不能为空": "Specified user group cannot be empty", "指定脚本不能为空": "Specified script cannot be empty", "请输入户名": "Please enter the account name", "开户银行": "Bank of deposit", "请输入开户银行": "Please enter the deposit bank", "请输入银行账号": "Please enter the bank account", "请输入银行代码": "Please enter the bank code", "开户银行地址": "Address of deposit bank", "请输入开户银行地址": "Please enter the address of the deposit bank", "请选择类型字典": "Please select a type dictionary", "数据来源": "data sources ", "请选择数据来源": "Please select the data source", "用户状态": "User Status", "银行账号编号": "Bank account No", "数据字典": "data dictionary", "户名不能为空": "Account name cannot be empty", "开户银行不能为空": "Deposit bank cannot be empty", "银行账号不能为空": "Bank account number cannot be empty", "银行代码不能为空": "Bank code cannot be empty", "开户银行地址不能为空": "Address of deposit bank cannot be empty", "类型不能为空": "Type cannot be empty", "添加银行账户": "Add bank account", "修改银行账户": "Modify bank account", "编号为": "No.", "无品牌": "Non-branded", "表格前插入行": "Insert Row Before Table", "拆单审核": "Order disassembly approval", "无返回": "No return", "全部退场": "All exit", "部分退场": "Partial exit", "(": "(", ")": ")", "所有订单": "All Orders", "所选订单": "Selected Orders", "密码类别": "Password Category", "请选择密码类别": "Please select a password category", "密码": "password", "确认密码": "Confirm Password", "请再次输入密码": "Please enter the password again", "添加业务密码": "Add business password", "修改业务密码": "Modify business password", "柜型名称": "Container type name", "请输入柜型名称": "Please enter the container type name", "是否启用": "Enable", "请选择是否启用": "Please select whether to enable", "请输入体积": "Please enter the volume", "请输入重量": "Please enter the weight", "柜型名称不能为空": "Container type name cannot be empty", "是否启用不能为空": "Enable options cannot be blank", "添加柜型配置": "Add container configuration", "修改柜型配置": "Modify container configuration", "渠道信息": "Channel information", "名称英文": "Name in English", "内部名称中文": "Internal name in Chinese", "内部名称英文": "Internal name in English", "类型编码": "Type code", "请输入类型编码": "Please enter the type code", "简码": "Simplified code", "请输入简码": "Please enter the simplified code", "归属仓库": "Belonging warehouse", "快递": "express", "请输入天数": "Please enter the number of days", "渠道代理": "Channel agent", "请输入渠道代理": "Please enter the channel agent", "渠道收费规则": "Channel charging rules", "清关单价": "Customs clearance unit price", "请输入清关单价": "Please enter the customs clearance unit price", "此字段名暂缺": "This field name is temporarily unavailable", "返回列表": "Back to list", "内部名称": "internal name", "请输入内部名称": "Please enter an internal name", "预计到达天数": "Estimated arrival days", "仓库名": "Warehouse name", "快递公司": "Courier Services Company", "≤": "≤", "请输入标题": "Please enter a title", "草稿": "draft", "已发布": "Published", "有效天数": "Valid days", "请输入有效天数": "Please enter valid days", "优惠清单": "Discount List", "请输入优惠清单": "Please enter the discount list", "过期状态": "Overdue status", "投放状态": "Release status", "复制": "copy", "货币符号": "Currency symbol", "请输入货币符号": "Please enter currency symbol", "请输入汇率": "Please enter the exchange rate", "最后更新时间": "Last updated", "开始时间(尼日利亚)": "Start time (Nigeria)", "结束时间(尼日利亚)": "End time (Nigeria)", "开始时间(北京)": "Start time (UTC+8)", "结束时间(北京)": "End time (UTC+8)", "跟进客服": "Follow up customer service", "申请凭证": "Application? certificate", "公": "common", "请选择主营类别": "Please select the main business category", "客户佣金详情": "Customer commission details", "完善客户": "Improve customer information", "开发客户:": "Develop customers:", "公司客户:": "Corporate customers:", "汇总:": "Summary:", "单价美元": "Unit price USD", "壹": "one", "贰": "two", "叁": "three", "肆": "four", "伍": "five", "陆": "six", "柒": "seven", "捌": "eight", "拾": "ten", "佰": "Hundred", "万": "ten thousand", "亿": "Billion", "毫": "Milli", "整": "whole", "导出订单": "Export Order", "水单号:": "Bill No.:", "手续费:": "Service Charge:", "添加收款账户": "Add Collection Account", "请输入发货人": "Please enter the shipper", "留言详情": "Message Details", "请选择佣金类型": "Please select commission type", "请输入报价单号": "Please enter the quotation number", "选择或新建": "Select or create", "请选择或新建": "Please select or create a new one", "港口或地点": "Port or destination", "未计算的运费": "Uncalculated freight", "返 回": "return", "起始编号": "Start No.", "结束编号": "End No.", "请输入起始编号": "Please enter the Start No.", "请输入结束编号": "Please enter the End No.", "标题不能为空": "The title cannot be empty", "起始编号不能为空": "The Start No. cannot be empty", "添加单号配置": "Add Doc No. Configuration", "修改单号配置": "Modify Doc No. Configuration", "包装要求不能为空": "Packaging requirements cannot be empty", "默认货柜位置不能为空": "Default container location cannot be empty", "订单方数上线不能为空": "The online order quantity cannot be empty", "是否预约入仓不能为空": "Booking or not cannot be empty", "客户关键词": "Customer keywords", "请输入客户姓名或手机号进行搜索": "Please enter the customer name or mobile number to search", "授权开始时间": "Authorization start time", "授权结束时间": "Authorization end time", "请输入收费标准": "Please enter the charging standard", "授权状态": "Authorization Status", "请选择授权状态": "Please select authorization status", "创建人用户名": "User name of creator", "请输入创建人用户名": "Please enter the user name of the creator", "客户姓名": "Customer Name", "客户手机": "Customer's mobile phone", "选择授权开始时间": "Select Authorization Start Time", "选择授权结束时间": "Select Authorization End Time", "创建人用户名不能为空": "The user name of the creator cannot be empty", "添加商品品牌授权": "Add Product Brand Authorization", "修改商品品牌授权": "Modify Product brand authorization", "商标": "Trademark", "品牌中文标题": "Chinese brand title", "请输入品牌中文标题": "Please enter the Chinese brand title", "品牌英文标题": "English brand title", "请输入品牌英文标题": "Please enter the English brand title", "请选择是否备案,字典": "Please select whether to file, dictionary", "请选择是否备案": "Please select whether to file", "添加授权客户": "Add Authorized Customers", "包含商标列表": "Include trademark list", "添加商标": "Add trademark", "添加品牌": "Add Brand", "修改品牌": "Modify brand", "修改人": "Modifier", "修改时间": "Modification time", "修改前": "Before modification", "预付:": "pay in advance:", "单价模式:": "Unit price mode:", "选择商品属性": "Select product attributes", "产品统计": "Product statistics", "发布时间": "Release time", "添加产品类型": "Add Product Type", "修改产品类型": "Modify Product Type", "语言": "language", "请输入语言": "Please enter language", "简称": "abbreviation", "父节点": "Parent node", "上级区域": "Superior Area", "选择上级区域": "Select superior area", "请输入简称": "Please enter the abbreviation", "国家城市代码": "Country City Code", "显示顺序": "Display order", "请输入显示顺序": "Please enter the display order", "部门状态": "Department Status", "简称不能为空": "Abbreviation cannot be empty", "语言不能为空": "Language cannot be empty", "国家城市代码不能为空": "The country city code cannot be empty", "显示顺序不能为空": "Display order cannot be empty", "未知【": "Unknown【", "添加区域": "Add Area", "修改区域": "Modify Area", "区域编码": "Area code", "请输入区域编码": "Please enter the region code", "区域名称": "Area Name", "条码起始号": "Barcode start number", "货架数量": "Quantity of shelves", "货架起始号": "Shelf start number", "货架层数": "layers of shelves", "层数起始号": "Start number of layers", "货架格数": "lattices of shelves", "货架类型": "shelf type", "请输入区域名称": "Please enter the area name", "请输入条码起始号": "Please enter the barcode starting number", "请输入货架数量": "Please enter the quantity of shelves", "请输入货架层数": "Please enter the quantity of layers", "请输入货架格数": "Please enter the quantity of lattices", "归属仓库不能为空": "Belonging warehouse cannot be empty", "区域名称不能为空": "Area name cannot be empty", "区域编码不能为空": "Region code cannot be empty", "条码起始号不能为空": "Barcode start number cannot be empty", "货架数量不能为空": "The quantity of shelves cannot be empty", "货架层数不能为空": "The quantity of shelves cannot be empty", "货架类型不能为空": "Shelf type cannot be empty", "添加货架": "Add shelf", "修改货架": "Modify shelf", "货架编号": "Shelf No", "请输入货架编号": "Please enter shelf number", "库存容量": "Inventory capacity", "请输入库存容量": "Please enter the inventory capacity", "添加货架格子": "Add shelf grid", "修改货架格子": "Modify shelf grid", "单位符号": "Unit symbol", "请输入单位符号": "Please enter the unit symbol", "添加计量单位": "Add UOM", "修改计量单位": "Modify UOM", "海运模板": "Marine formwork", "空运模板": "Airlift formwork", "添加仓库": "Add Warehouse", "重泡货类型": "Heavy or Bubble goods", "请选择重泡货类型": "Please select Heavy or Bubble goods", "临介值标准": "Threshold value standard", "计算公式": "Calculation formula", "请输入临介值": "Please enter the threshold value", "公式": "formula", "请输入公式": "Please enter a formula", "添加重泡货配置": "Add heavy bubble goods configuration", "修改重泡货配置": "Modify the configuration of heavy bubbles goods", "您没有访问权限!": "You have no access right!", "对不起,您没有访问权限,请不要进行非法操作!您可以返回主页面": "Sorry, you have no access right, please do not operate! You can return to the homepage", "回首页": "Homepage", "返回首页": "Back to Homepage", "找不到网页!": "Page cannot found!", "测试审批抄送": "Test approval Cc", "默认内容": "Default Content", "用户编号": "User No", "请输入用户编号": "Please enter the user number", "用户类型": "customer type", "请选择用户类型": "Please select a user type", "应用名": "User Name", "请输入应用名": "Please enter the user name", "请求地址": "Request address", "请输入请求地址": "Please enter the request address", "请求时间": "Request time", "执行时长": "Execution duration", "请输入执行时长": "Please enter the execution duration", "结果码": "Result code", "请输入结果码": "Please enter the result code", "日志编号": "Log No", "请求方法名": "Request Method Way", "操作结果": "Operation results", "详细": "detailed", "日志主键:": "Log primary key:", "链路追踪:": "Link Tracking:", "应用名:": "User Name", "用户信息:": "User information:", "请求信息:": "Request information:", "请求参数:": "Request parameters:", "操作结果:": "Operation result:", "异常发生时间": "Abnormal occurrence time", "异常名": "Abnormal Name", "已忽略": "Ignored", "异常时间:": "Abnormal time:", "生成类型": "Generation type", "文件名": "file name", "请输入文件名": "Please enter a file name", "生成类型不能为空": "The generation type cannot be empty", "页面": "page", "弹窗": "pop-up notification", "资源引用": "Resource Reference", "刷新": "Refresh", "复制代码": "Copy Code", "导出文件": "export file", "选择图标": "Select icon", "请输入图标名称": "Please enter the icon name", "错误": "error", "外部资源引用": "External resource reference", "添加其他": "Add Other", "组件属性": "Component attribute", "表单属性": "Form attribute", "查看组件文档": "View component documentation", "组件类型": "Component Type", "请选择组件类型": "Please select a component type", "字段名": "Field Name", "组件名": "Component Name", "占位提示": "Space occupying prompt", "请输入占位提示": "Please enter the space occupying prompt", "开始占位": "Start to occupy", "结束占位": "Finish placeholder", "表单栅格": "Form Grid", "栅格间隔": "Grid spacing", "布局模式": "Layout pattern", "水平排列": "Horizontal arrangement", "请选择水平排列": "Please select horizontal arrangement", "垂直排列": "Vertical arrangement", "标签宽度": "Label width", "请输入标签宽度": "Please enter the label width", "组件宽度": "Component width", "请输入组件宽度": "Please enter the component width", "默认值": "Default", "请输入默认值": "Please enter the default value", "至少应选": "At least", "最多可选": "Most optional", "前缀": "prefix", "请输入前缀": "Please enter prefix", "后缀": "suffix", "请输入后缀": "Please enter suffix", "前图标": "Front icon", "请输入前图标名称": "Please enter the name of the front icon", "后图标": "Back icon", "请输入后图标名称": "Please enter the name of the back icon", "按钮图标": "Button icon", "请输入按钮图标名称": "Please enter the name of the button icon", "选项分隔符": "Option Separator", "请输入选项分隔符": "Please enter the option separator", "最小行数": "Minimum number of rows", "最大行数": "Maximum number of rows", "最小值": "Minimum", "最大值": "Maximum", "组件高度": "Component height", "高度": "height", "步长": "step", "步数": "Steps", "精度": "accuracy", "按钮位置": "Button position", "默认": "default", "右侧": "right", "最多输入": "Maximum input", "请输入字符长度": "Please enter the character length", "个字符": "Characters", "开启提示": "Open prompt", "请输入开启提示": "Please enter the opening prompt", "关闭提示": "Close Prompt", "请输入关闭提示": "Please enter the closing prompt", "开启值": "Open value", "请输入开启值": "Please enter the opening value", "关闭值": "Close value", "请输入关闭值": "Please enter the closing value", "时间类型": "Time Type", "文件字段名": "File Field Name", "请输入上传文件字段名": "Please enter the field name of the uploaded file", "请选择文件类型": "Please select a file type", "视频": "video", "音频": "audio", "文件大小": "file size", "请输入文件大小": "Please enter the file size", "上传地址": "Upload address", "请输入上传地址": "Please enter the upload address", "列表类型": "List Type", "按钮类型": "Button Type", "按钮文字": "Button text", "请输入按钮文字": "Please enter the button text", "分隔符": "Separator", "请输入分隔符": "Please enter a separator", "时间段": "time period", "请输入时间段": "Please enter a time period", "时间格式": "Time format", "请输入时间格式": "Please enter the time format", "选项": "option", "选项名": "Option Name", "选项值": "Option value", "添加选项": "Add Options", "数据类型": "data type", "动态数据": "dynamic data ", "静态数据": "Static data", "接口地址": "Interface address", "请输入接口地址": "Please enter the interface address", "数据位置": "Data Location", "请输入数据位置": "Please enter the data location", "标签键名": "Label Key Name", "请输入标签键名": "Please enter the label key name", "值键名": "Value Key Name", "请输入值键名": "Please enter the value key name", "子级键名": "Child Key Name", "请输入子级键名": "Please enter the child key name", "添加父级": "Add Parent", "选项样式": "Option Tpye", "按钮": "Button", "开启颜色": "Turn on color", "关闭颜色": "Turn off color", "显示标签": "Show Label", "品牌烙印": "Branding", "允许半选": "Allow half selection", "辅助文字": "Auxiliary text", "显示分数": "Show Score", "显示间断点": "Show breakpoints", "范围选择": "Range selection", "是否带边框": "With border or not", "颜色格式": "Color Format", "请选择颜色格式": "Please select a color format", "组件尺寸": "Component size", "中等": "Medium", "较小": "less", "迷你": "Mini", "输入统计": "Input statistics", "严格步数": "Strict Steps", "任选层级": "Optional hierarchy", "是否多选": "Multiple choices or not", "展示全路径": "Display full path", "可否筛选": "Whether to filter", "能否清空": "Can it be cleared?", "显示提示": "Display Tips", "多选文件": "Multiple selection file", "自动上传": "Automatic upload", "是否只读": "Read Only", "是否禁用": "Disable", "能否搜索": "Can search or not", "是否必填": "Is it required?", "布局结构树": "Layout Structure Tree", "正则校验": "Regular check", "表达式": "expression", "请输入正则": "Please enter the regular", "错误提示": "Error prompt", "请输入错误提示": "Please enter an error prompt", "添加规则": "Add Rule", "表单模型": "form model ", "请输入数据模型": "Please enter the data model", "校验模型": "Verify model", "请输入校验模型": "Please enter the model verification", "表单尺寸": "Form Size", "标签对齐": "Label alignment", "左对齐": "Left align", "右对齐": "Right align", "顶部对齐": "Top align", "禁用表单": "Disable Forms", "表单按钮": "Form Button", "显示未选中组件边框": "Show Unselected Component Borders", "请输入选项名": "Please enter an option name", "请输入选项值": "Please enter an option value", "字符串": "character string", "数字": "number", "表名称": "Form name", "表描述": "Form Description", "实体类名称": "Entity class name", "作者": "author", "请输入表名称": "Please enter the form name", "请输入表描述": "Please enter a form description", "请输入实体类名称": "Please enter entity class name", "请输入作者": "Please enter the author", "基本信息": "essential information", "字段信息": "Field Information", "字段列名": "Field Column Name", "字段描述": "Field Description", "物理类型": "Physical type", "插入": "insert", "列表": "list", "查询方式": "Query Method", "允许空": "Allow blank", "显示类型": "Display Type", "文本框": "Text", "文本域": "Text Field", "下拉框": "Drop-down", "单选框": "Onefold", "复选框": "Plural", "日期控件": "Date control", "图片上传": "Image upload", "文件上传": "File upload", "富文本控件": "Rich Text Control", "字典类型": "Dictionary Type", "示例": "Example", "生成信息": "Generate information", "生成模板": "Generate Template", "生成场景": "Generate Scenarios", "模块名": "Module Name", "业务名": "Business name", "类名称": "Class name", "类描述": "Class Description", "上级菜单": "Previous Menu", "请选择系统菜单": "Please select the system menu", "自定义路径": "Custom Path", "最近路径快速选择": "Quick selection of the nearest path", "恢复默认的生成基础路径": "Restore the default base path", "其他信息": "Other information", "树编码字段": "Tree Code Field", "树父编码字段": "Tree Parent Code Field", "树名称字段": "Tree Name Field", "关联信息": "Associated information", "关联子表的表名": "Table name associated with the child table", "子表关联的外键名": "Foreign key associated with the child table", "请选择生成模板": "Please select a template", "请选择生成场景": "Please select a scenario", "请输入生成包路径": "Please enter the path of the generated package", "请输入生成模块名": "Please enter the module name", "请输入生成业务名": "Please enter the business name", "请输入生成业务包": "Please enter the business package", "请输入生成类名称": "Please enter the class name", "请输入生成类描述": "Please enter the class description", "导入表": "Import Table", "数据库": "database", "代码生成": "code generation", "实体": "entity", "更新时间": "Update time", "预览": "preview", "同步": "synchronization", "生成代码": "Generate Code", "生成验证配置": "Generate Validation Configuration", "代码预览": "Code preview", "校验规则": "Verification rules", "参数名称": "Parameter name", "请输入参数名称": "Please enter the parameter name", "参数键名": "Parameter Key Name", "请输入参数键名": "Please enter the parameter key name", "系统内置": "System built-in", "参数主键": "Parameter Primary Key", "参数分组": "Parameter grouping", "参数键值": "Parameter key value", "是否敏感": "Sensitive or not", "请输入参数分组": "Please enter parameter grouping", "请输入参数键值": "Please enter the parameter key value", "参数分组不能为空": "Parameter grouping cannot be empty", "参数名称不能为空": "Parameter name cannot be empty", "参数键名不能为空": "Parameter key name cannot be empty", "参数键值不能为空": "Parameter key value cannot be empty", "添加参数": "Add parameter", "修改参数": "modify parameters", "上传下载": "Upload and download", "文件路径": "File Path", "请输入文件路径": "Please enter the file path", "上传文件": "Upload files", "文件内容": "Document content", "非图片,无法预览": "Not a picture, cannot preview", "上传时间": "Upload time", "配置名": "Configuration Name", "请输入配置名": "Please enter the configuration name", "存储器": "memory", "请选择存储器": "Please select memory", "主配置": "Master Configuration", "测试": "test", "基础路径": "Base Path", "请输入基础路径": "Please enter the basic path", "主机地址": "Host address", "请输入主机地址": "Please enter the host address", "主机端口": "Host port", "请输入主机端口": "Please enter the host port", "连接模式": "Connection mode", "主动模式": "Active mode", "节点地址": "Node address", "请输入节点地址": "Please enter the node address", "自定义域名": "Customize the domain name", "请输入自定义域名": "Please enter a custom domain name", "配置名不能为空": "Configuration name cannot be empty", "存储器不能为空": "Memory cannot be empty", "基础路径不能为空": "The base path cannot be empty", "主机地址不能为空": "Host address cannot be empty", "主机端口不能为空": "Host port cannot be empty", "用户名不能为空": "User name cannot be empty", "连接模式不能为空": "Connection mode cannot be empty", "节点地址不能为空": "Node address cannot be empty", "自定义域名不能为空": "The custom domain name cannot be empty", "添加文件配置": "Add File Configuration", "修改文件配置": "Modify File Configuration", "任务状态": "Task Status", "请选择任务状态": "Please select task status", "处理器的名字": "Processor name", "请输入处理器的名字": "please enter the processor name", "执行日志": "Execution log", "任务编号": "Task No", "处理器的参数": "Parameters of the processor", "开启": "open", "暂停": "suspend", "更多": "more", "执行一次": "Execute once", "任务详细": "Task Details", "调度日志": "Scheduling log", "请输入处理器的参数": "Please enter the parameters of the processor", "生成表达式": "Generate Expression", "重试次数": "Retry times", "重试间隔": "retry interval ", "监控超时时间": "Monitoring timeout", "请输入监控超时时间,单位:毫秒": "Please enter the monitoring timeout in milliseconds", "任务编号:": "Task No.:", "任务名称:": "Task name:", "处理器的名字:": "Processor name:", "处理器的参数:": "Processor parameters:", "重试次数:": "Retry times", "重试间隔:": "Retry interval:", "监控超时时间:": "Monitoring timeout:", "后续执行时间:": "Subsequent execution time:", "任务名称不能为空": "Task name cannot be empty", "处理器的名字不能为空": "Processor name cannot be empty", "重试次数不能为空": "Retry times cannot be empty", "重试间隔不能为空": "Retry interval cannot be empty", "添加任务": "Add Task", "修改任务": "Modify Task", "开始执行时间": "Execution time", "选择开始执行时间": "Select execution time", "结束执行时间": "The end of execution time", "选择结束执行时间": "Select the end of execution time", "第几次执行": "Times of execution", "执行时间": "execution time", "调度日志详细": "Dispatch log details", "日志编号:": "Log No.:", "第几次执行:": "Times of execution", "执行时间:": "Execution time:", "执行时长:": "Execution duration:", "任务状态:": "Task status:", "执行结果:": "Execution result:", "运行模式": "Operating mode", "端口": "port", "客户端数": "Number of clients", "使用内存": "Using memory", "内存配置": "Memory configuration", "命令统计": "Command statistics", "内存信息": "Memory information", "超时时间": "overtime", "命令": "command", "峰值": "peak value", "内存消耗": "Memory consumption", "名字": "name", "请输入名字": "Please enter your name", "分类": "Category", "请输入分类": "Please enter the category", "名字不能为空": "The name cannot be empty", "分类不能为空": "Category cannot be empty", "添加字典类型": "Add Dictionary Type", "修改字典类型": "Modify dictionary type", "捷道后台管理系统": "Jiedao backstage management system / Jiedao administrator system", "验证码": "Verification Code", "记住密码": "Remember password", "登 录": "Sign in", "捷道货运": "E&C logistic", "租户不能为空": "Tenant cannot be empty", "渠道费率": "Channel rate", "请输入渠道费率": "Please enter the channel rate", "渠道状态": "Channel status", "网关地址": "Gateway address", "算法类型": "Algorithm Type", "公钥类型": "Public key type", "商户私钥": "Merchant private key", "请输入商户私钥": "Please enter the merchant private key", "支付宝公钥字符串": "Alipay public key string", "请输入支付宝公钥字符串": "Please enter Alipay public key string", "商户公钥应用证书": "Merchant Public Key Application Certificate", "请上传商户公钥应用证书": "Please upload the merchant's public key application certificate", "支付宝公钥证书": "Alipay public key certificate", "请上传支付宝公钥证书": "Please upload Alipay public key certificate", "根证书": "Root Certificate", "请上传根证书": "Please upload the root certificate", "渠道状态不能为空": "Channel status cannot be empty", "请传入网关地址": "please enter the gateway address", "请传入签名算法类型": "please enter the signature algorithm type", "公钥类型不能为空": "Public key type cannot be empty", "请上传指定根证书": "Please upload the specified root certificate", "编辑支付渠道": "Edit payment channel", "创建支付渠道": "Create payment channel", "商户号": "Merchant No", "商户秘钥": "Merchant secret key", "请输入商户秘钥": "Please enter the merchant secret key", "请传入商户号": "please enter the merchant ID", "商户名称": "Merchant name", "请输入商户名称": "Please enter the merchant name", "请选择开启状态": "please select the start status", "应用编号": "Application No", "支付宝配置": "Alipay configuration", "微信配置": "WeChat configuration", "所属商户": "Merchant", "请选择所属商户": "Please select the merchant", "支付结果的回调地址": "Callback address of payment result", "请输入支付结果的回调地址": "Please enter the callback address of the payment result", "退款结果的回调地址": "Callback address of refund result", "请输入退款结果的回调地址": "Please enter the callback address of the refund result", "应用名不能为空": "The application name cannot be empty", "支付结果的回调地址不能为空": "The callback address of the payment result cannot be empty", "退款结果的回调地址不能为空": "The callback address of the refund result cannot be empty", "商户编号不能为空": "Merchant No. cannot be blank", "添加支付应用信息": "Add payment application information", "修改支付应用信息": "Modify payment application information", "请输入商户号": "Please enter the merchant ID", "商户全称": "Full name of merchant", "请输入商户全称": "Please enter the full name of the merchant", "商户简称": "Merchant abbreviation", "请输入商户简称": "please enter the abbreviation of the merchant", "商户编号": "Merchant No", "商户号不能为空": "Merchant ID cannot be blank", "商户全称不能为空": "Merchant full name cannot be empty", "商户简称不能为空": "Merchant abbreviation cannot be empty", "添加支付商户信息": "Add payment merchant information", "修改支付商户信息": "Modify payment merchant information", "请选择应用信息": "Please select application information", "渠道编码": "Channel Code", "请输入渠道编码": "Please enter the channel code", "商户订单编号": "Merchant order number", "请输入商户订单编号": "Please enter the merchant order number", "渠道订单号": "Channel order No", "请输入渠道订单号": "Please enter the channel order number", "支付状态": "Payment status", "请选择支付状态": "Please select payment status", "退款状态": "Refund status", "请选择退款状态": "Please select refund status", "回调商户状态": "Callback merchant status", "请选择订单回调商户状态": "Please select the order callback merchant status", "应用名称": "application name", "支付渠道": "Payment channel", "支付订单": "Payment Order", "商户": "Merchant", "支付": "payment", "商品标题": "Commodity Title", "支付金额": "Payment amount", "手续金额": "service charge", "退款金额": "refund amount ", "回调状态": "Callback Status", "支付时间": "Payment time", "查看详情": "For details", "订单详情": "Order Details", "商户订单号": "Merchant order number", "支付订单号": "Payment order No", "手续费": "Service Charge", "手续费比例": "Service charge proportion", "回调地址": "token url ", "失效时间": "Expiration time", "通知时间": "Notification time", "退款次数": "Times of refund", "商品描述": "item description", "支付通道异步回调内容": "Asynchronous callback content of payment channel", "退款类型": "Refund Type", "请选择退款类型": "Please select a refund type", "商户退款订单号": "Merchant refund order No", "请输入商户退款订单号": "please enter the order number of merchant's refund", "退款回调状态": "Refund callback status", "请选择通知商户退款结果的回调状态": "Please select the callback status to notify the merchant of the refund result", "交易订单号": "Order No.", "退款": "refund", "交易": "Deal", "退款原因": "Reason for refund", "退款成功时间": "Refund success time", "退款订单详情": "Refund Order Details", "商户退款单号": "Merchant refund order No", "退款失效时间": "Refund expiration time", "回调时间": "Callback time", "渠道退款单号": "Channel refund order No", "渠道错误码": "Channel error code", "渠道错误码描述": "Channel error code description", "渠道额外参数": "Additional channel parameters", "绑定账号": "connect? account", "请输入部门名称": "Please enter the department name", "菜单状态": "Menu Status", "上级部门": "Superior department", "选择上级部门": "Select superior department", "显示排序": "Display sorting", "部门名称不能为空": "Department name cannot be empty", "显示排序不能为空": "Display sorting cannot be empty", "请输入正确的手机号码": "Please enter the correct mobile phone number", "添加部门": "Add Department", "修改部门": "Edit Department", "字典名称": "Dictionary Name", "字典标签": "Dictionary Label", "请输入字典标签": "Please enter the dictionary label", "英文标签": "English label", "请输入英文字典标签": "Please enter English dictionary label", "数据状态": "Data status", "字典编码": "Dictionary encoding", "字典键值": "Dictionary Key Value", "字典排序": "Dictionary sorting", "颜色类型": "Color Type", "数据标签": "Data Label", "请输入数据标签": "Please enter a data label", "英文数据标签": "English data label", "英文请输入数据标签": "Please enter the data label in English", "数据键值": "Data Key Value", "请输入数据键值": "Please enter the data key value", "数据标签不能为空": "Data label cannot be empty", "数据键值不能为空": "Data key value cannot be empty", "数据顺序不能为空": "Data order cannot be empty", "主要": "main", "信息": "information", "警告": "warning", "危险": "danger", "添加字典数据": "Add Dictionary Data", "修改字典数据": "Modify dictionary data", "请输入字典名称": "Please enter the dictionary name", "请输入字典类型": "Please enter the dictionary type", "字典状态": "Dictionary Status", "字典编号": "Dictionary No", "字典名称不能为空": "Dictionary name cannot be empty", "字典类型不能为空": "Dictionary type cannot be empty", "错误码类型": "Error code type", "请选择错误码类型": "Please select the error code type", "错误码编码": "Error code", "请输入错误码编码": "Please enter the error code", "错误码提示": "Error code prompt", "请输入错误码提示": "Please enter the error code prompt", "错误码编码不能为空": "Error code cannot be empty", "错误码提示不能为空": "The error code prompt cannot be empty", "添加错误码": "Add error code", "修改错误码": "Modify error code", "来源": "source", "请输入站内信来源": "Please enter the source of site messages", "发送时间": "Sending time", "消息类型": "Message Type", "选择发送时间": "Select sending time", "添加站内信": "Add site message", "修改站内信": "Modify the site message", "登录地址": "Login address", "请输入登录地址": "Please enter the login address", "用户名称": "User Name", "请输入用户名称": "Please enter the user name", "失败": "fail", "登录时间": "login time", "访问编号": "Access Number", "日志类型": "Log Type", "登录日期": "Login Date", "请输入用户名": "enter user name", "主机": "host", "请输入主机": "Please enter the host", "请输入端口": "Please enter the port", "邮箱不能为空": "The mail address cannot be empty", "主机不能为空": "Host cannot be empty", "端口不能为空": "The port cannot be empty", "添加邮箱帐号": "Add email account", "修改邮箱帐号": "Modify email account", "邮箱账号": "Email account", "请输入邮箱账号": "Please enter your email account", "模板编码": "Template code", "请输入模板主键": "Please enter the template primary key", "请输入收件人": "Please enter the recipient", "发送状态": "sending status", "请选择发送状态": "Please select the sending status", "发送结果": "sending result", "请输入发送结果": "Please enter the sending result", "邮箱帐号": "Email account", "模板编号": "Template No", "邮件日志详细": "Mail Log Details", "邮箱账号:": "Email account:", "收件人:": "recipient", "模板编号:": "Template No.:", "标题:": "title:", "邮件内容:": "Message content:", "发送时间:": "Sent:", "发送结果:": "Send results:", "添加邮箱日志": "Add email log", "修改邮箱日志": "Modify email log", "模板名称": "Template Name", "请输入模板名称": "Please enter a template name", "请输入模板编号": "Please enter the template number", "请选择邮箱帐号": "Please select an email account", "测试发送邮件": "Test sending mail", "模板内容": "Template content", "请输入模板内容": "Please enter the template content", "请输入收件人邮箱": "Please enter the recipient's email address", "模板名称不能为空": "Template name cannot be empty", "模板编号不能为空": "Template No. cannot be empty", "邮箱帐号不能为空": "Email account cannot be empty", "内容不能为空": "Content cannot be empty", "收件人不能为空": "The recipient cannot be empty", "模板不能为空": "Template cannot be empty", "添加邮箱模板": "Add Email Template", "修改邮箱模板": "Modify Email Template", "找不到账号:": "Account not found:", "功能权限": "Function permission", "菜单名称": "Menu Name", "请输入菜单名称": "Please enter the menu name", "图标": "Icon", "权限标识": "Permission ID", "组件路径": "Component Path", "选择上级菜单": "Select Superior Menu", "菜单类型": "Menu Type", "显示菜单": "Display Menu", "保活": "Keep alive", "菜单图标": "Menu icon", "点击选择图标": "Click the Select icon", "请输入菜单英文名称": "Please enter the English name of the menu", "路由地址": "Routing address", "请输入路由地址": "Please enter the routing address", "请输入组件路径": "Please enter the component path", "请权限标识": "Please identify the permission", "重定向": "redirect", "请输入重定向地址": "Please enter the redirect address", "菜单名称不能为空": "Menu name cannot be empty", "菜单英文名称不能为空": "Menu English name cannot be empty", "菜单顺序不能为空": "Menu order cannot be empty", "路由地址不能为空": "Routing address cannot be empty", "主类目": "Main category", "添加菜单": "add menu", "修改菜单": "Modify Menu", "站内信": "mail ", "消息分类:": "Message classification:", "消息内容:": "Message content:", "订单消息": "Order Message", "出货消息": "Shipping message", "提醒消息": "Reminder message", "系统模块": "System module", "请输入系统模块": "Please enter the system module", "操作类型": "Operation Type", "操作状态": "Operation status", "操作模块": "Operation module", "操作名": "Operation name", "操作日期": "Operation Date", "访问日志详细": "Access Log Details", "操作信息:": "Operation information:", "方法名:": "Method name:", "方法参数:": "Method parameters:", "岗位编码": "Position Code", "请输入岗位编码": "Please enter the position code", "岗位名称": "Position name", "请输入岗位名称": "Please enter the position name", "岗位状态": "Position status", "岗位编号": "Post No", "岗位排序": "Position sorting", "请输入编码名称": "Please enter the code name", "岗位顺序": "Position sequence", "岗位名称不能为空": "Position name cannot be empty", "岗位编码不能为空": "Position code cannot be empty", "岗位顺序不能为空": "Position sequence cannot be empty", "添加岗位": "Add Position", "修改岗位": "Edit Position", "数据权限": "Data permission", "角色名称": "Role Name", "请输入角色名称": "Please enter the role name", "角色标识": "Role ID", "请输入角色标识": "Please enter the role ID", "角色状态": "Role Status", "角色编号": "Role No", "角色类型": "Role Type", "菜单权限": "Menu permissions", "角色顺序": "Role order", "分配数据权限": "Assign data permission", "权限范围": "Permission Scope", "角色名称不能为空": "Role name cannot be empty", "角色标识不能为空": "Role ID cannot be empty", "角色顺序不能为空": "The role order cannot be empty", "添加角色": "Add Role", "修改角色": "Modify Role", "会话编号": "Session number", "登录名称": "logon name", "强退": "Forced retreat", "短信签名": "SMS signature", "请输入短信签名": "Please enter SMS signature", "启用状态": "Enable Status", "请选择启用状态": "Please select the enabling status", "英文短信签名": "English SMS signature", "请输入英文短信签名": "Please enter English SMS signature", "短信签名不能为空": "SMS signature cannot be empty", "英文短信签名不能为空": "English SMS signature cannot be empty", "渠道编码不能为空": "Channel code cannot be empty", "启用状态不能为空": "The enabling status cannot be empty", "添加短信渠道": "Add SMS channel", "修改短信渠道": "Modify SMS channel", "请输入手机号": "Please enter your mobile number", "短信渠道": "SMS channel", "请选择短信渠道": "Please select SMS channel", "接收状态": "Receiving status", "请选择接收状态": "Please select the receiving status", "接收时间": "Receiving time", "短信内容": "SMS content", "短信类型": "SMS type", "短信日志详细": "SMS log details", "短信渠道:": "SMS channel:", "短信模板:": "SMS template:", "短信内容:": "Message content:", "短信参数:": "SMS parameters:", "创建时间:": "Creation time:", "发送状态:": "Sending status:", "接收状态:": "Receiving status:", "接收时间:": "Received:", "找不到签名:": "Signature not found:", "请选择短信类型": "Please select a message type", "请输入模板编码": "Please enter the template code", "中文模板内容": "Chinese template content", "英文模板内容": "English template content", "短信渠道编号": "SMS channel number", "请选择短信渠道编号": "Please select the SMS channel number", "请输入英文模板内容": "Please enter the content of the English template", "测试发送短信": "Test sending SMS", "短信类型不能为空": "SMS type cannot be empty", "模板编码不能为空": "Template code cannot be empty", "模板内容不能为空": "Template content cannot be empty", "英文模板内容不能为空": "English template content cannot be empty", "短信渠道编号不能为空": "SMS channel number cannot be empty", "手机不能为空": "Mobile number cannot be empty", "添加短信模板": "Add SMS template", "修改短信模板": "Modify SMS template", "租户名": "Tenant Name", "请输入租户名": "Please enter the tenant name", "联系手机": "Contact number", "请输入联系手机": "please enter the contact number", "租户状态": "Tenant Status", "请选择租户状态": "Please select tenant status", "租户编号": "Tenant No", "租户套餐": "Tenant Package", "系统租户": "System Tenant", "账号额度": "Account limit", "过期时间": "Expiration time", "绑定域名": "Bind domain name", "请选择租户套餐": "Please select the tenant package", "用户密码": "User Password", "请输入用户密码": "Please enter the user password", "请输入账号额度": "Please enter the account limit", "请选择过期时间": "Please select the expiration time", "请输入绑定域名": "Please enter the bound domain name", "租户名不能为空": "Tenant name cannot be empty", "租户套餐不能为空": "Tenant package cannot be empty", "租户状态不能为空": "Tenant status cannot be empty", "账号额度不能为空": "Account limit cannot be empty", "过期时间不能为空": "Expiration time cannot be empty", "绑定域名不能为空": "The binding domain name cannot be empty", "用户名称不能为空": "User name cannot be empty", "用户密码不能为空": "User password cannot be empty", "添加租户": "Add Tenant", "修改租户": "Modify Tenant", "未知套餐": "Unknown package", "套餐名": "Package name", "请输入套餐名": "Please enter the package name", "套餐编号": "Package No", "套餐名不能为空": "Package name cannot be empty", "关联的菜单编号不能为空": "The associated menu number cannot be empty", "添加租户套餐": "Add tenant package", "修改租户套餐": "Modify tenant package", "请输入用户名或昵称": "Please enter the user name or nickname", "手机号码": "phone number", "请输入手机号码": "Please enter your mobile number", "导入": "Import", "重置密码": "reset password ", "分配角色": "Assign Roles", "请输入用户昵称": "Please enter the user nickname", "归属部门": "Department", "请选择归属部门": "Please select the department", "用户性别": "User gender", "岗位": "Position", "跟单客服": "customer service", "不掉公海": "won't drop into high sea", "是否更新已经存在的用户数据": "Update existing user data", "下载模板": "Download Template", "角色": "role", "添加用户": "Add User", "修改用户": "Modify User", "用户导入": "User import", "创建成功数量:": "Number of successful creation:", ":": ":", "导入结果": "Import Results", "个人信息": "personal information", "用户邮箱": "User Email", "所属部门": "Department", "所属岗位": "Position", "所属角色": "Role", "基本资料": "Basic information", "修改密码": "Change Password", "社交信息": "Social information", "旧密码": "Old password", "请输入旧密码": "Please enter the old password", "新密码": "New Password", "请输入新密码": "Please enter a new password", "请确认密码": "Please confirm the password", "旧密码不能为空": "The old password cannot be empty", "新密码不能为空": "The new password cannot be empty", "确认密码不能为空": "Confirm password cannot be empty", "点击上传头像": "Click to upload the avatar", "修改头像": "Modify avatar", "性别": "Gender", "男": "male", "女": "female", "邮箱地址不能为空": "Email address cannot be empty", "请输入正确的邮箱地址": "Please enter the correct email address", "手机号码不能为空": "Mobile number cannot be empty", "社交平台": "Social platform", "已绑定": "connected", "未绑定": "unconnect", "已选择": "selected", "隐藏搜索": "hiding search", "显示搜索": "show out search", "显隐列": "Display column", "隐藏": "hide", "显示/隐藏": "show/hide", "(外部仓)": "(External warehouse)", "请上传": "Please upload", "大小不超过": "Size does not exceed ", "格式为": "Format is ", "的文件": " only", "货物修改": "Goods modification", "货物入仓": "Goods warehousing", "文档地址": "Document address", "退出登录": "Log out", "主题风格设置": "Theme Style Settings", "主题颜色": "Theme Colors", "系统布局配置": "System layout configuration", "固定": "fixed", "动态标题": "Status title", "保存配置": "Save", "重置配置": "Reset", "选择联系人": "Choose Contact", "快速新建客户": "Quick Create Customer", "表单错误": "Form error", "快递ID": "Express No", "请输入快递ID": "Enter Express No", "请输入备注-中文": "Remark", "渠道ID": "Channel ID", "预计时间(天)": "Estimate Days", "注意:运费/清关费 方案二选一": "Note: choose one schemes in? Freight/customs clearance", "暂无优惠": "No discount", "客户跟进": "Customer follow-up", "请选择跟进时间": "Please select the follow-up time", "规则英文名称": "English name of the rule", "请输入规则英文名称": "Please enter the English name of the rule", "规则英文名称不能为空": "The English name of the rule cannot be empty", "WEB端广告图片(建议尺寸长*宽": "WEB advertising image (recommended size: length * width", "APP端广告图片(建议尺寸长*宽": "APP advertising image (recommended size: length * width", "优惠券ID": "Coupon ID", "发布人": "Publisher", "更新人": "Updated by", "是否确认删除优惠券信息编号为{couponId}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item with coupon information number {couponId}?", "是否确认导出所有优惠券信息数据项?": "Are you sure to export all coupon information data items?", "待回复": "To be replied", "已回复": "Replied", "确认修改": "Confirm modification", "商标{index}分类": "Trademark {index} classification", "请选择商标{index}分类": "Please select trademark {index} classification", "商标{index}商品": "Trademark {index} commodity", "请选择商标{index}商品": "Please select trademark {index} product", "第{index}阶梯": "Step {index}", "前端必须以 / 开头": "The front end must start with/", "前端不能以 / 开头": "The front end cannot start with/", "是否确认删除此项?": "Are you sure to delete this item?", "父子联动": "Parent-child linkage", "选中父节点,自动选择子节点": "Select the parent node and select the child node automatically", "加载中,请稍后": "Loading, please wait", "注:若只有一件,货到仓库立即发,选“是”,多件需仓库集运待发,选“否”\"": "Note: If there is only one carton, the goods will be delivered immediately upon arrival at the warehouse, select \\\"Yes\\\", if over one carton need to be consolidated in the warehouse for delivery, select \\\"No\\\"", "待入仓订单方数": "Number of orders to be placed in the warehouse", "已入仓订单方数": "Number of orders placed in the warehouse", "异常订单方数": "Number of abnormal order parties", "待排单订单方数": "Number of orders to be arranged", "自单代报订单方数": "Number of self order reporting parties", "刷新提单文件": "Refresh bill of lading file", "起运港": "Port of departure", "请选择起运港": "Please select the port of departure", "截补料时间": "Cutoff and replenishment time", "VGM提交时间": "VGM submission time", "请输入包装单位": "Please enter the packaging unit", "下载提单确认件": "Download the bill of lading confirmation document", "没有此操作的权限": "No permission for this operation", "请输入提单补料": "Please input the bill of lading supplement", "延期活动时间": "Delayed activity time", "优惠活动“{name}”的当前结束时间:{time}": "Current end time of promotional activity '{name}': {time}", "请问您确定延长活动吗?": "Are you sure you want to extend the event?", "活动结束时间": "Event End Time", "请填写结束时间": "Please fill in the end time", "客户原计划掉入公海池时间": "The customer originally planned to fall into the open sea pool when", "申请延期后时间": "Time after applying for extension", "客户操作日志": "Customer Action Log", "老客户经理": "Old Account Manager", "新客户经理": "New Account Manager", "新的预计进入公海的时间": "New estimated time of entry into the high seas", "老的预计进入公海的时间": "The expected time for the old one to enter the high seas", "新的预计入公海时间": "New estimated time of entry into the high seas", "老的预计入公海时间": "Old estimated time of entering the high seas", "客户日志": "Customer logs", "新预计进入公海时间": "New estimated time of entering the high seas", "老的预计进入公海时间": "Old estimated time of entering the high seas", "身份证姓名": "ID card name", "身份证号码": "ID No", "请输入币别": "Please enter the currency", "请输入银行账户": "Please enter a bank account", "公账": "Public account", "私账": "Private account", "市场获客": "Market acquisition", "设为空运客户": "Set as air freight customer", "设为非空运客户": "Set as non air freight customer", "新老客户": "New and old customers", "新客户": "New customers", "老客户": "Old customers", "导出明细": "Export Details", "导出统计": "Export Statistics", "是否确认导出所有部门业绩数据项?": "Are you sure to export all department performance data items?", "业绩明细": "Performance Details", "是否确认导出所有部门业绩统计?": "Are you sure to export performance statistics for all departments?", "业绩统计": "Performance statistics", "审核流程": "Audit process", "您确认要提交审核吗": "Are you sure you want to submit for review", "应付款佣金": "Payable commission", "应付生成时间": "Payable generation time", "未付款": "Unpaid", "付款中": "In payment", "已付款": "Paid", "佣金付款单": "Commission Payment Order", "取消核销": "Cancel Write-off", "取消反核销": "Cancel Cancellation of Write-off", "请输入取消理由": "Please enter the reason for cancellation", "是否删除此条佣金付款单": "Do you want to delete this commission payment form", "删除成功!": "Successfully deleted!", "请输入理由!": "Please enter a reason!", "提交佣金付款单反审核成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted the commission payment form for reverse review. Please be patient and wait for the review result!", "提交佣金付款单核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted commission payment form for verification. Please be patient and wait for the review result!", "提交佣金付款单反核销申请成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted the commission payment form cancellation application. Please be patient and wait for the review result!", "取消佣金付款单反审核成功!": "Successfully cancelled the approval of the commission payment order!", "取消佣金付款单核销成功!": "Successfully cancelled the commission payment form verification!", "取消佣金付款单反核销成功!": "Successfully cancelled the cancellation of the commission payment document!", "取消佣金付款单审核成功!": "Successfully cancelled the review of the commission payment form!", "佣金请款单": "Commission Payment Request Form", "请选择客户": "Please select a customer", "客户的账户名称": "Customer's account name", "账户名称不能为空": "Account name cannot be empty", "结算方式不能为空": "Settlement method cannot be empty", "添加未付客户款项": "Add unpaid customer payments", "请选择客户未付款项": "Please select the unpaid items from the customer", "请前往客户档案编辑银行账号!": "Please go to the customer profile to edit the bank account!", "查看收款单": "View payment receipt", "查看银行实收明细": "View bank actual payment details", "付款单编号": "Payment note number", "付款金额": "Payment amount", "查看付款单": "View Payment Order", "不含税金额": "Amount excluding tax", "含税金额": "Amount including tax", "输入税率格式不对": "The format of the input tax rate is incorrect", "最后付款不能为空": "Final payment cannot be empty", "付款单申请正在审核中,你确定取消付款单申请吗?": "The payment form application is currently under review. Are you sure you want to cancel it?", "请输入申请理由!": "Please enter the application reason!", "操作成功吗!": "Did the operation succeed!", "取消付款单审核成功!": "Successfully canceled payment order approval!", "取消付款单反审核成功!": "Successfully cancelled the approval of the payment order!", "取消付款单核销成功!": "Cancellation of payment order verification successful!", "提交付款单反审核成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted payment order for reverse review. Please be patient and wait for the review result!", "提交付款单核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted payment form for verification. Please be patient and wait for the review result!", "提交付款单反核销成功,请耐心等待审核结果!": "Successfully submitted payment order for cancellation. Please be patient and wait for the review result!", "取消付款单反核销成功!": "Cancellation of payment order cancellation successful!", "取消反核销审核": "Cancel Cancelling Write-off Approval", "收款单银行实收明细反核销-未提交": "Collection Note Bank Actual Receipt Details Cancellation Write-off - Not Submitted", "请输入理由": "Please enter the reason", "提交反核销": "Submit anti verification", "请输入取消审核理由": "Please enter the reason for canceling the review", "收款单反审核": "De-approval of payment receipt", "收款单反核销": "Reverse Write-off of Collection Documents", "提交反审核": "Submit for approval cancellation", "请输入地区": "Please enter the region", "请输入From M No": "Please enter From M No", "请输入BA NO": "Please enter BA NO", "请完整填写表单": "Please fill out the form completely", "是否确认删除提单托运人编号为{id}的数据项?": "Are you sure to delete the data item with shipper number {id} from the bill of lading?", "是否确认导出所有提单托运人数据项?": "Are you sure to export all bill of lading shipper data items?", "调拨出仓备注": "Transfer out of warehouse remarks", "调拨到仓备注": "Transfer to warehouse remarks", "标签范围": "Label Range", "指定区域无可打印标签": "There are no printable labels in the specified area", "入仓快递单号": "Warehouse delivery number", "会员": "member", "后台用户": "Background users", "填单快递单号": "Fill out the courier number", "操作人类型": "Operator type", "管理员": "administrators", "操作描述": "pedagogical operation", "【{name}】从【{orgValue}】修改为【{newValue}】": "Modify {name} from {orgValue} to {newValue}", "【{name}】设置为【{newValue}】": "Set {name} to {newValue}", "以下信息修改审核中": "The following information is being modified and under review", "异常订单": "Abnormal orders", "请勾选需要导出的订单": "Please check the order that needs to be exported", "导出勾选": "Export Tick", "导出搜索": "Export Search", "异常单统计": "Abnormal order statistics", "重货单统计": "Statistics of heavy cargo orders", "退仓单统计": "Return order statistics", "售后赔偿金额统计": "Statistics of after-sales compensation amount", "报关数据统计": "Customs declaration data statistics", "客户出货量统计": "Customer shipment volume statistics", "预付运费统计": "Prepaid Freight Statistics", "卸货费统计": "Unloading fee statistics", "归属客户": "Belonging to customers", "移交客户经理": "Transfer to Account Manager", "到仓影像": "To warehouse imaging", "添加时间": "Add time", "可参与优惠活动": "Can participate in promotional activities", "可参与优惠": "Can participate in discounts", "国内": "domestic", "国外": "abroad", "结算周期": "Settlement period", "价格优势": "Price advantage", "海运优质资源条件": "Marine high-quality resource conditions", "供应商优势船公司": "Supplier Advantage Shipping Company", "海运船公司优势港口": "Advantages of Maritime Shipping Company Ports", "港口优势条件": "Port advantages", "订舱优势条件": "Booking advantages and conditions", "拖车优势条件": "Trailer advantage conditions", "报关公司": "Customs declaration company", "报关优势条件": "Customs declaration advantages and conditions", "证书公司": "Certificate Company", "证书优势条件": "Certificate Advantage Conditions", "合作不良记录登记": "Registration of poor cooperation records", "请输入合作不良记录登记": "Please enter the registration of poor cooperation records", "空运优质资源条件": "Air freight high-quality resource conditions", "空运优势机场": "Airfreight Advantage Airport", "空运优势航空公司": "Air Transport Advantage Airlines", "航空公司优势条件": "Advantages and conditions of airlines", "请输入地址": "Please enter the address", "清关国家": "Customs clearance country", "From M No": "From M No", "BA NO": "BA NO", "包装数量": "Packaging quantity", "清关要求": "Customs clearance requirements", "自定义要求": "Custom requirements", "请输入自定义要求": "Please enter custom requirements", "是否提供": "Is it provided", "提供": "provide", "不提供": "Not provided", "新增港口": "New Ports", "与收货人相同": "Same as consignee", "新增清关文件号码": "Add customs clearance document number", "新增清关号码": "Add customs clearance number", "国家地区": "Country/region", "供应商区域": "Supplier Area", "会员控货下单要求": "Member Control Order Requirements", "系统类型": "System Type", "请选择系统类型": "Please select a system type", "强制更新": "Force updates", "请选择更新条件": "Please select the update criteria", "内部版本": "Internal version", "请输入内部版本": "Please enter the internal version", "系统": "system", "版本号": "Version number", "请输入版本号": "Please enter the version number", "内部号": "Internal number", "请输入内部号": "Please enter the internal number", "链接方式": "Link Method", "上传": "upload", "版本链接": "Version Link", "请输入版本链接": "Please enter the version link", "说明": "explain", "请输入说明": "Please enter a description", "系统类型不能为空": "System type cannot be empty", "版本号不能为空": "Version number cannot be empty", "内部号不能为空": "Internal number cannot be empty", "版本链接不能为空": "Version link cannot be empty", "强制更新不能为空": "Forced update cannot be empty" }